iPromise Not to tell

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Olivia's POV 

Carly and I went downstairs to see my dad yelling the word lamp at a lamp. 

"I think it knows it's a lamp". Carly said walking over to the lamp. 

"No, I want it to turn on". Dad said and continued to yell at the lamp. 

"Do you guys need a ride to school"? Dad asked as Carly went to get her history report. 

"No, Mrs. Benson is going to drive us". Carly said and I groaned slightly. Even five minutes in the car with that woman can make you go crazy. 

Then they talked about Carly's history report and her maybe being able to get straight A's for the semester. I groaned again, school is not my strongest thing. My favorite subject is art and my least favorite is math. 

"Yeah, your not getting straight A's from me". I told my dad from where I was in the kitchen eating a granola bar because Mrs. Benson takes granola bars and pounds them with a mallet. Why? I don't know. 

"Lamp". Dad tried the lamp again, it didn't work. So Carly told dad to say the Japanese word for lamp, Rampoo. 

"Rampoo". Dad said in and normal voice. 

"Rampoo". He said again with  a Japanese voice. 

"Rampoo". He said like an angry Japanese man. That made the lamp finally work and this time it surprisingly didn't catch on fire. 

Then dad and Carly began turning the lamp on and off by yelling Rampoo at it. 

I saw Freddie open the door and look at what Carly and my dad were doing. 

I grabbed my bag and a sticky note and wrote See Ya on the note and put it on dad's head. 

Then I followed Freddie out the door and down to the lobby where Mrs. Benson was waiting. 

"What held you up"? She asked and Freddie and I looked on each other. 

"My dad and Carly were yelling at a lamp". I told her and she said oh and drived me and Freddie to our separate schools.  


After school Carly, Sam and Freddie walked me home and Carly said that Mr. Devlon gave her a B on her history report so she won't be getting straight A's for the semester. 

When we walked into the apartment we saw a giant A sculpture with little A's on it. 

I shook my head and went up to my room. 

The next day apparently Sam changed Freddie and Carly's grade in the school computer so tomorrow Freddie and Carly are going to hack into the school computer and change it back. 

The day after that Carly and Freddie came home with me and began hacking into the school computer. 

After they changed the cafeteria menu from spinach to tater tots two big men from the CSA came through the door. 

"Step away from the laptop". One of them said. 

"Put your hands where we can see them". The other said. 

"Who are you guys"? Carly asked as we walked over to the couch. 

We are in trouble even though I never did anything. 

"We are going to have to speak to a parent or guardian". One of them said. 

"SPENCER"!! Carly yelled for my dad. "I am in the bathtub". He answered from his bathroom.

So Carly, Freddie and I were sitting in chairs while the adults argued weather we did it or not. 

Once we were called over Carly and Freddie's principal Principal Franklin asked us if we hacked into the school computer. 

"They did it, I was just a witness who got dragged into  this". I told everyone. 

"We did". Carly said, surprisingly agreeing with me. "We did? We did". Freddie said. 

"Carly"? Dad asked and Principal Franklin began questioning Freddie and Carly. 

Their story ended with them wanting to know when Principal Franklin's birthday is and them giving Principal Franklin our microwave oven. 


So the next night on iCarly, Carly ended up freaking out and running downstairs. 

"Spencer, I really didn't get straight A's". Carly admitted. "Huh"? Dad asked. 

"Sam changed my grade in the school's computer, so Freddie and I hacked in and tried to change it but then the two people from the CSA came in and caught us, I made Karren Yomacolla cry, and my hair is falling out look". Carly said and pulled out some of her hair. 

"So I have to take apart my big A again"? Dad asked looking up at his big A. 

Then Sam came down and Carly told her that she told my dad what she did then Carly flopped over the couch asking what she was gonna do. 

Dad then took an A off of her butt and told her to tell Principal Franklin the truth because that is more important than keeping a promise, even though Sam and Carly ankle swore. 

So the next day Carly told her Principal and Sam got detention. 


sorry it took so long to update. What other nickelodeon shows do you guys like? 

Cali   🎆

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