7. I Love You

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When I got back to the table the rest of mötley were sitting at my table.

"What's up?" I ask looking at Mick and Vince.

"OMG, Ricky!" Exclaims Vince getting up to hug me.

I laugh and hug him then hugging Mick. Strangely he hugged me back.

"Guess what Rick, the boys want us to tour with us!" Exclaims Izzy.

"Yeah Tommy told me like 2 minutes ago!" I say back with a chuckle.

Nikki then also comes over to the table and sits next to Tommy.

"Also, you never told us Tommy here is your cousin!" Exclaims Duff.

"Oh yeah, forgot to tell you that.." I say with a nervous chuckle.

"Come on, sit down babe." Says Axl patting the seat next to him.

I sit down next to him and he pulls me close and kisses my head.

"Wait.. You and Axl Rose! He's who you are dating!" Exclaims Tommy pointing to us both.

"Yeah, forgot to add that in too." I say.

"Anyways! Let's get drinks, huh? Vodka and Jack Daniels?" Asks Steven standing up to get drinks.

"Yeah!" I exclaim.

Steven ran off to get the drinks as we all laughed at his child like behaviour.

"So, Ricky how have you been?" Asks Vince.

"Good, I met these guys about 3 weeks ago and have been with them. I moved house and these guys came with me. White Rabbits is currently working on a new record and hopefully will be out in a couple of weeks." I say with a bright smile.

"Dude, that's sounds great!" Tommy exclaims.

"It sure is." I say with a chuckle.

"So you and Axl huh? You guys look like a perfect couple." Says Vince smiling.

Nikki scoffs at Vince's comment and Vince hits him on the shoulder.

"Yeah, it's going well." I say blushing.

Axl kisses my head and holds me tight.
We were all drunk, like very drunk. We had moved into a room were everyone was doing karaoke and we cheered at everyone who sang.

"I wanna sing.." says Steven like a child.

"Then what's stopping you!" I exclaim.

He smiles and runs up to the stage. He looks through all the songs before clearing his throat.

"Hello, everyone." He says in a deep voice. "I am Steven Adler, a man of many talents." He winks at everyone. "I will be singing for all you beautiful people, Hello by Lionel Richie."

"Oh Jesus." Says Slash hitting his head directly on the table.

"Not this song, he is obsessed with this song.." says Duff groaning.

I furrow my eyebrows in confusion and the next second I knew why all the boys were moaning about him singing this song.

I've been alone with you inside my mind
And in my dreams I've kissed your lips a thousand times
I sometimes see you pass outside my door
Hello, is it me you're looking for?

Steven begins to sing the song over dramatically and locking eyes with Slash the full song.

Slash shoots him daggers as Steven walks over to slash. He makes his way over, still with the microphone. At one point he almost falls on the microphone wire but luckily doesn't fall. He then goes over to Slash and sings to him as Slash says things to him like fuck off or dude, it's not funny.

Then when there was a bit of instrumental Steven begins to give Slash a lap dance. We all begin to laugh hysterically as Slash just sits trying to get Steven off of him. Slash succedes and Steven makes his way back over to the stage.

He then finishes the song and we all stand on out feet and clap our hands and whistle.

Steven smiles like a child and batts his eyelashes.

Shortly after the night came to an end. We all made our way out of the bar stumbling.

"Yo, Ricky! We are going on tour next week, are you coming with the boys?" Asks Tommy.

"He'll Yeah! I wouldn't miss it!"

"Ok! See ya then!" He exclaimed before walking to his house.

The boys and I walked up the large hill making our way back to my house. We all began to sing in the middle of the street.

Mamma take this bage from me.
I can't use it anymore.

The boys loved the song Knockin On Heaven's Door and occasionally sang it at shows and stuff.

I loved it too. Axl and I would sometimes sing it together. Cute, right?

We all laughed hysterically as we made our way to the front door of the house.

We all stumbled through the front door and made our way upstairs to our rooms. Axl and I have been sharing a room since we started dating.

"Goodnight y'all!" Steven shouts slurring his words.

"Night, dude." Says Duff.

"And night to you, baby." Says Steven in  a seductive voice to Slash.

"Shut the fuck up, Steven." Says Slash slamming his bedroom door.

We all laugh and walk into our rooms.
I get into one of Axl's t-shirts and a pair of shorts and Axl does the same. We both get into bed and I rest my head on his chest and bring my arms around him.

"I love you." He whispers.

"Your drunk." I mumbled.

"No, I love you." He says once again.

"Yeah, yeah, I love you too." I say.

I knew he was drunk and didn't mean it. I let it brush past me.


I woke up still hugging Axl's body and yawned. My head hurt from last night and I groaned in pain. I must have woken Axl up because he moved slightly before opening his eyes and smiling at me.

"Morning." He says in a raspy voice.

"Morning babe." I say sitting up.

He also sits up and rests his head on my headboard.

"Last night, I said I loved you.." he says.

"Yeah, I know, it's okay don't worry." I respond.

"No, I meant it." He says.

My eyes widened.

"I love you Ricky Storm." He says.

"I love you too Axl Rose.

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