14. Im not leaving.

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Duffs POV:

I had woken up early this morning and when I say early I mean 9:00am. I couldn't believe what happened last night.

Ricky and I had kissed and went out on a date. I thought it was a dream but when I woke up I looked down and saw her head resting against my chest and her arms wrapped around me.

It wasn't long after I had woken up when I realised that she told me she loved me back. I never thought this would happen, never.

I had been awake for about an hour. I was stroking Ricky's hair when she began to wake up. She opened her eyes and looked up at me placing a sweet kiss on my lips.

We pulled away and looked at each other and smiled. We then hear a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" I shout through.

"Duff it's me Steven!" Steven whispers loud enough to here us.

"Come in!" I shout back.

He walks in and drops the drumsticks he had in his hands to the floor.

"No way! Are you guys like a thing now?" Asks Steven.

Ricky and I hadn't discussed this. I mean yeah we loved each other but we hadn't clarified if we were a couple. I wanted to be with her I just didn't know if she wanted to be with me.

"Yes we are." Ricky responds.

I was taken back by her answer but Steven jumped up and now. He then takes a seat on the edge of the bed.

"I'm gonna be honest ok? I loved you and Axl together. I mean like you guys were cute, but not as cute as this!" Steven says pointing at us both.

We laugh as Steven gets all excited.

"Yo, Slash get in here!" Steven shouts.

"Steven stop dude!" I say slapping his arm.

Slash then walks in the room.

"What's up stev- WAIT, no way!" Exclaims Slash looking at us.

Ricky hides her face in my neck as Steven and Slash jump about like little girls.

"Izzy, get your ass in here!" Slash shouts.

I sigh and pinch the bridge of my nose as Ricky laughs.

"Guys it's early what the fuck do you wa- Hell yeah! This better be a thing, if it's not I'm leaving!" Izzy says.

"It's a thing!" Shouts Steven and Slash at the same time.

"Yes, dude yes!" Shouts Izzy.

The boys all start dancing as Ricky and I laugh hysterically at them. She looks up at me and smiles.

I could get used to this.


We were on our way to the airport. I was now worried. Ricky was supposed to be going home today and trust me when I say I didn't want that.

"Flight 64 leaving for Los Angeles." Says the women through the speaker.

Ricky and I hug each other tightly and don't let go. We don't want to let go. Eventually we pull away. I kiss her lips and she kisses me back.

"I don't want you to leave." I say.

"I don't wanna leave either but my parents are expecting me back. Its only a month. We will see each other soon." She says.

I nod and she pulls me in for a more passionate kiss this time. We say our goodbyes and she walks off.

That hurt seeing her walk off. 

Ricky's POV:

As I walked away I felt a tear drop roll down my cheek. You may be wondering why I'm so sad when we have only been going out for a day. It's stupid I know but it's always been duff. Axl was the wrong man. The wrong guy.

I walked over to the plane and saw a phone booth. I walk over to the phone booth and pick up the phone dialling a number.

It rings for a couple of seconds before someone answers the phone.

"Hey dad, im just letting you know I'm not coming home at the moment."

Duffs POV:

We all boarded the plane silently. We were all sad Ricky was gone. Axl clearly knew because he wasn't talking to any of us. I took my seat alone and looked at the window.

All the boys were taking as Axl shot me death glares he then turned his glare to the plane door and his eyes went wide. I didn't bother to look.

I then feel someone take a seat next to me. I turn to the side slowly and see Ricky sitting there.

"I'm allowed to stay for the rest of the tour." Ricky says.

I hug her tightly and she hugs back instantly. We pull away and share a quick kiss.

"I'm not going anywhere." She says.

"Thank god for that." I say.

"Hey, Ricky. can I talk to you?" Asks Axl standing next to Ricky.

Ricky nods slightly and gets up. She mouths to me it's okay and goes to talk to Axl.

Ricky's POV:

I walked through to a private room for Axl and I to talked. When we are at a quite place he takes my hands and looks me in the eye.

"Why Duff? I thought you loved me?" He asks looking into my eyes.

"I fucking hate you Axl Rose. You broke my heart. You cheated on me with Erin! After that you guys then get married and while your still a married man you want to cheat on Erin with me. Get your fucking act together. We are over." I say.

He sighs and looks at the floor.

"I give up trying, go to him. Fuck sake." He mumbles.

I laugh and walk off back to duff. I take a seat next to him and he takes my hand.

"Everything ok?" He asks.

"Yep just Axl Rose being Axl Rose."

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