10. Are you sure?

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Times were flying by quickly. The boys had been on tour by themselves for 2 weeks and were loving it. Axl was coming back to the hotel room later every night which is something I was getting pretty suspicious about to be honest. Erin, Erin Everly and I were hanging out a lot more. We had become good friends and we enjoyed one another's company a lot. We would hang out backstage together. Paint each others nails. Talk about how hot Axl is. It was a lot of fun!

Right now the boys were on for soundcheck. We sat backstage eating ice-cream and drinking vodka. We were talking about our past and our childhood.

"Is Ricky your real name?" She asks randomly.

"Actually no, its Nancy." I say smiling.

"No way, No way!" She says slapping my shoulder.

"Yeah it is, I swear! I wanted to change it when I was 18 so I did!" I exclaim.

"Omg that's so cool! How many piercings do you have?" She asks curious.

"2, I have my nose and ears pierced." I say.

"How many tattoos and what do they mean?" She asks.

"I have 3! I have a dove on the back of my neck to resemble freedom. My grandma died and I got to remember her. I have on my wrist Nancy, because that's my name. Last but not least I have a rose on my inner forearm, because roses are my favorite flower and I got this today for the boys." I say.

"Wait, you got this today?" She asks.

"Yeah, for the boys. Guns N Roses plus its my favorite flower so why not!" I say with a cheerful smile.

We both laugh and then hear the room door swing open. We turn around and see the boys all standing there sweating from practicing.

"What you girls talking about?" asks Steven taking a bottle of water.

"Well, I got a new tattoo." I say.

"Really? What did you get?" Asks Duff.

"A rose. For you boys, and its my favorite flower!" I say excitedly.

"No way! Let me see!" Says Izzy.

I show my tattoo to the boys and they all gasp in amazement.

"That's fucking awesome babe!" Says Axl sitting next to me, as he admires the tattoo.

"Thank you." I say as we share a quick kiss.

Duff's POV:

I cringe when I see them kiss. Axl hasn't stopped cheating. We go out, all of us. Ricky wants to go back to the bus early. One of us go with her, usually me. Ricky and I have gotten closer actually. Especially when we both go back to the bus. We watch movies and stuff. The Ricky falls asleep. The boys return back to the bus at about 12:00am at the earliest. I see the lipstick on Axl's face and we have the same discussion we had the first time.

I keep lying directly to Ricky's face. I cant do it for much longer. I don't know what my feelings towards her are. Its all blurry but I know for a fact I care for her very much and love her, not in that way! Well maybe that way, I'm not too sure to be completely honest.

I look away as they kiss and Izzy notices how uncomfortable I look.

"Hey Duff, I'm gonna go do some rehearsing! Wanna come with me and we can practice?" Asks Izzy.

"I think I have done enough rehearsing-" I begin.

"Just, come with me." He says looking at me.

Everyone stares at us confused. Izzy grabs my hand and pulls me out the door. He closes the door and he drags me backstage. We both walk onto the empty stage and he sits on a stool and drags one in front of him.

"Sit." He demands.

I sit in front of him and look at him confused. Izzy pulls out a cigarette pack and pulls one out. He offers me one which I gladly accept. He places the stick between his lips and puts the pack back in his pocket. He then takes out a lighter and lights the cigarette and then lights mine. He takes a long drag before puffing out the smoke.

"So, what's going on?" he asks taking another drag.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Don't play dumb with me. With Axl and Ricky!" He says raising his hands.

I sigh and look at the floor. Izzy leans forward waiting to hear what I have to say.

"If I tell you, you have to promise to never tell Axl!" I say pointing at him.

"Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye." Izzy says.

"What's that for?" I ask confused.

"It means like I swear I wont tell- That's not important! What's happening?" He asks.

"Axl is cheating on Ricky." I say worriedly.

Izzy stares at me for a moment with a blank expression.

"He's what?" He asks still with the blank expression on his face.

"He's C-Cheating on Ricky." I say.

"I'm gonna kill him! Stab a knife through his heart and kill him!" He says anger filling his eyes.

He stands up and is about to go talk to Axl before I grab him by the arm and pull him back on to his stool.

"I just told you not to tell him!" I shout.

"ok, ok, fine. BUT if I catch him cheating I'm telling Ricky." He says.

"As long as you don't tell Axl I told you." I say.

He nods and takes another drag of his cigeratte.

"What else is going on?" He asks.

I snicker and laugh.

"There is nothing else going on!" I excliamed.

"Yes there is." He says.

I sigh, I can't deny it can I?

"I think I may have feelings for Ricky. I'm not sure though!" I say.

"Yeah it was kind of obvious. When they kissed you cringed. Like big time." He says with a laugh.

"Yeah, but what do I do?" I ask worriedly

"Sooner or later Ricky is gonna find out Axl is cheating. Be there to comfort her and just be there for her." I say.

"I mean of course I would do that but why are you suggesting it?" I ask.

"Because if you guys get close maybe you could tell her then." Izzy says.

"Good point." I mumble.

"It's all gonna be ok." He says patting my shoulder.

And Izzy was right. It was gonna be ok.

• The Wrong Guy• GNRजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें