The dark haired man knew of the distress, feeling the same capturing his heart and he did not want to see his own twin die. The one holding on his hand when they were kids, who ran after him to play catch in the long halls. The one to hold a knife to his throat and yelled he was going to kill Suga. The one to steal Taehyung away but also the one who was overlooked, punished for existing.

After all the things Yoongi has done, not only to Suga himself but to their people and their family, the dark haired man still couldn't bring himself to hate his twin whose heart was filled with grief and the unreturned wish for love. 

"Until you're ready, my heart", the emperor said lovingly, looking with so much love and admiration at Taehyung that it made him tear up once again. This was the man he truly loved and he now finally had the chance to get rid of Yoongi's toxic influence over him.

A tiny nod sealed the future and Suga smiled shortly at his small Queen before turning to face the crowd, the guards and their family sitting closeby. Jungkook sat by Jimin's side once again, the man being true to his word in making Jungkook his lover and even intenting to marry him, Seokjin sitting to Jungkook's side with Namjoon and Hoseok next to him. The fight for the future has brought all of them together, made them family without blood relation and nothing could tear that apart.

Yet they also could not understand the pain.

"Bring the defeated out to the yard!"

Taehyung sobbed shortly before pressing his face into Suga's chest, helplessly clutching onto his robes. "Would you like to sit on my lap, my heart?", Suga silently asked his trembling lover who shook his head quietly. "Just hold me... like you always do", Taehyung whispered back in return.

"I will never let go of you, my heart, not even in my darkest dreams", Suga whispered before pressing a kiss to Taehyung's hair.

Yoongi got brought outside, in cuffs and messy pale hair, dirt on his face and robes ripped. A guard pushed him to the executioner who was waiting with the faithful sword. Once Yoongi came into view, the entire crowd started screaming at the hated man, some even dared to throw old fruits.

But all Yoongi saw or noticed, was the trembling form of Taehyung in Suga's arms, looking so soft and tiny while staring down at him with large teary eyes before burying his head into Suga's shoulder to cry heartbroken. Yoongi has sat in his cell, wondering if Taehyung could ever return his feelings but now that he was seeing the misery painting Taehyung's gorgeous features, he knew that Taehyung at the end did love him.

Yoongi got forced onto his knees in front of the executioner, the crowd roaring in anticipation and swallowing the cries of the Queen. The guard shoved Yoongi one more time but he did not mind, his scar prickling because the wound has healed, no knife near to refresh his wound and his promise to his twin.

The man by his side lifted his sword, the sound sharp and clear in the now silent air and only waited for Suga's signal. Once Suga drew his eyes away from his crying Queen, he nodded curtly to finally end it, eyes shortly locking with Yoongi's, the neglected twin.

When the signal came, Yoongi only smirked up to him and closed his eyes once he feels Taehyung's attention back on him.

But the deadly sword never came down.

Because the Emperor's conquest was more than just a young poet stumbling into the palace of Silla, he was the one to change the Min Twins.



before you freak out, yes, the ending is abrupt and yes, it's the ending. This was set for me the moment I started the book because I was mesmerized by this one scene in Daechwita of the 'twins' on the courtyard. I immediately thought of this open ending.

Did the executioner betray Suga? Did Taehyung stop the execution? Or did Suga? What happened? I want these questions to stay, not be answered. Think of your own ending because I first wanted to choose one of these endings but decided against it.

Why? Because it's more thrilling this way. Please respect my decision and don't be shy to tell me your thoughts of the book!

Thank you so much for reading and hopefully see you in another book!

I nom nom you


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