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This story is so close to be finished, I'm so sad:((


The returned prince was now preparing for his official coronation while Taehyung stayed close to Suga the entire time, not imagined to be away from the future king who was so whipped for the cute Paekche prince. While Suga had to clean the palace from Yoongi's poison and the entire country, he never failed to make Taehyung feel the most beautiful, the most special and the one owning his heart.

And the entire kingdom was celebrating after the announcement of the true throne heir's return. The village close to the palace never stopped celebrating, people hugging each other on the streets, festivals being thrown and music sounding through every part of the kingdom.

Silla finally was able to breathe again after years of sorrow and pain. The Scar King has been removed from the throne and was now waiting for his fate in the dungeon.

And Suga not only returned to the palace but also got down on one knee and asked for Taehyung's hand in marriage. The stunned but entirely happy Paekche prince was trembling from happiness and agreed, forming a bond between the kingdoms of Paekche and Silla and everyone was celebrating.

But Taehyung had a secret. During the time with Yoongi, soft feelings started blossoming in his chest and he secretly visited the insane male down in the dungeon whenever the guards were gone or occupied elsewhere. Taehyung wanted clarification if this was really love because he didn't want to believe it, when Suga was conquering his heart every day. But upon meeting Yoongi again who only snapped at Taehyung, the little prince felt tears in his eyes. He has always been too soft hearted and understanding, seeing Yoongi's side of the story and who soon exposed the fragile insides of his heart.

When Taehyung came to realize his soft feelings have deepened, he was deeply moved and shocked, bursting into confused tears and running out of the dungeon, with Yoongi closing his eyes pained because he knew that Taehyung was never going to choose him. 

The little Paekche prince ran back into his chambers, hanbok held in his hands and sobs left his lips, trembling body falling forward onto the bed before he sobbed heartbroken into his pillow, poor heart aching and being so so confused. Taehyung didn't want to love Yoongi, he didn't-- so why couldn't he stop crying, knowing Yoongi was not going to be saved? Why was he feeling so miserable thinking about the fallen emperor?

"The guards told me you visited the dungeon", Suga's voice called out from the door and Taehyung lifted his head, tears streaming down his face and he sniffled adorably, looking so heartbroken that Suga immediately became concerned. "I'm sorry", Taehyung sobbed, watching how his lover walked over to him, sitting down by his side and gently removing his hair from his face.

"Y-you d-don't deserve me as your lover and c-certainly not as you p-partner", Taehyung hiccuped, bursting into tears again upon seeing the love in Suga's eyes, now mixed with concern. "Why are you saying this, my beautiful Queen? Who am I not to want you? Please tell me what upsets your loving heart", Suga said and Taehyung cried again, abused heart clenching.

"B-because I let my heart be corrupted by him!", he cried out helplessly, turning away from Suga and sobbing pitifully into his hands. Suga stiffened by the confession, staring wide eyed at his beautiful lover who was trembling so much.

Anger consumed Suga, unbelievable rage. But his vessel was not Taehyung, it was Yoongi. Because Suga has seen Taehyung's heart and knew the boy held the most gentle soul and would never be able to be coldhearted. He cared, even for a brutal monster slaughtering his own family. He cared and Yoongi turned that against him and made Taehyung fall for him.

“H-how can I-I decide between you two when you’re both nothing but broken sides of the same coin! The night cannot exist without the day, Suga! I’m not asking for his forgiveness, I’m just asking for a second chance...”, Taehyung whimpered, knowing his words were useless, the future already set but his poor heart was aching so much.

But Suga turned wild by this confession and grabbed Taehyung to pull the confused crying prince to his chest and told him that he cannot accept that.

“You can’t have feelings for my brother, not when you’re mine and not when he’s a monster! He’s a demon, Taehyung and does not deserve your mercy!“, Suga harshly snapped at the crying boy in his arms. Taehyung sobbed loudly, leaning his head against Suga’s chest.

“I know, don’t you think I’m aware? I didn’t want these feelings, but now I have them and I’m so confused...“, Taehyung confessed sadly and Suga sighed, calming his anger down by hearing the sadness in his lover’s voice. Taehyung did not deserve his rage, beautiful loving Taehyung who was so perfect and good. Yet Suga was afraid that Yoongi was trying to ruin that goodness as well.

“Forgive me my jealousy, pretty doll, I didn’t mean to startle you. It isn’t your fault that your heart is pure. My brother has always been manipulating and twisting his own persona to his desire in changing people’s mind. My sweet precious Queen, you got caught in his web of lies. How can I not forgive you, my beautiful Queen?“, Suga cooed silently, stroking Taehyung’s trembling back while the prince cried in his arms.

“I’m sorry”, he sobbed against Suga’s comforting hold, being gently moved to their shared bed and carefully pulled on the man’s lap. “I-I didn’t mean to fall for him, I don’t even know why I did when I have you, my gorgeous strong moon. Yet I cannot lock my heart away”, Taehyung whimpered quietly while Suga was stroking his back, untying any knots formed in his mahogany colored hair.

“I know you didn’t mean to and I’m not angry at you or giving you the fault. You’ve been nothing but sweet and perfect”, Suga calmed his crying lover down who snuggled closer, pressing his lips to Suga’s neck since he was still so scared and so confused of his own feelings. “I should hate him, for the horrible things he did to me and you, to your people. But whenever I look at him, all I see is a neglected child craving for love”, Taehyung whispered, feeling Suga stiffen.

“I know how you feel, I had the same feelings for him. Yoongi is my twin after all and I have always hoped he would turn better. But them he stood with a knife over my bed and sliced my face without mercy to punish me for Father’s choice that wasn’t even my own. Yoongi’s playing with your poor mind, Sweetheart. And once he’s gone, you can heal from his toxic influence”, Suga said.

The small Paekche Prince looked up, even teary eyes looked beautiful on him in Suga’s humble opinion. “Is there no other way?“, Taehyung asked silently with slumped shoulders, not liking the idea of killing the former emperor. Suga pressed a sweet kiss to his trembling plump lips.

“I fear not, my Queen. It’s time to end the era of the Scar King.”


So Taehyung finally confirmed his feelings for Yoongi !! But Suga is so understanding with him, and there is really not a bad thought behind


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