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"It's already getting dark outside so I offer you to stay the night. It's not like we would allow you to wander off anyways considering that you're still our captive, so stay", Suga walked up to a surprised looking Taehyung who has been leaning against the door frame, looking outside into the late evening sky.

"Thank you for your offer, I accept it", the brunet replied formally, not knowing how to talk with the elder man. Suga was intimidating if Taehyung was being honest with himself and he reminded him so much of the scar king that he didn't know how to act. 

"You can relax your shoulders, Taehyung-ah, I'm not going to ram a knife into your pretty back. I'm not my brother", Suga's amused voice suddenly sounded next to Taehyung and the boy gasped surprised before his eyes snapped over to the elder. "I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean any disrespect", the poet stammered out but Suga just chuckled.

"Calm down, little doll. You don't have to be so formal with me, I'm not going to eat you. Well unless you want me to", the blunt words caused Taehyung to squeak in surprise and actually jump away a few inches, looking at Suga bewildered. 

But then a laugh tickled his throat and he shook his head, clearly not taking the other's words serious before he turned his head to look back up in the sky. Suga followed his eyes, admiring the clear night sky in silence while he wondered how the situation could escalate like this.

He hasn't been spending second thoughts after the first meeting on the royal, because he believed it was their only, possibly unimportant time to meet but Jungkook then brought him the same royal who also offered to help them go against the Scar King.

Suga didn't know Taehyung's reasons behind or why he would dare to go against Yoongi but he knew his brother and he knew the way Yoongi was acting around beauty. And Taehyung was immensely beautiful, maybe not even realizing it fully as he carried himself with an unaware aura surrounding him, clearly unaware from how he was affecting others.

Suga himself wouldn't dare to say that he was unaffected by Taehyung's beauty, the little prince was immensely pretty and the way he was talking was infatuating. He truly was a master of words, knowing exactly how to place every vowel to have listeners hanging on his lips. 

"Tell me, what do you think of the night scenery, little doll? You as a master of words must sense its beauty right from the start", Suga spoke up after a moment of silence which earned him a surprised look from the side. Taehyung's lips fell apart like his defense, examining this strange man again.

What was about it that drew Taehyung so much to him? This man, a prince, a throne heir and now rebel leader was a mystery himself, so alike with the king in looks yet his persona couldn't be different.

"You like the night?", the poet asked surprised, remembering the first encounter with the King who despised the night, calling it uneventful and literally boring. Taehyung thought of the night to be something pure and innocent, shadowy light dancing over the earth surface and illuminating the world in the dim yellow of the moon.

"I do, it has something peaceful and I've always loved to get lost in the dark and disappear from the suffocation of life", Suga replied hesitantly but as soon as he heard the light chuckle coming from his side, he lifted his head in order to stare at the poet. Because Taehyung wasn't making fun of him through his truly adorable giggles but rather seeming to be enlightened by his words.

"You sound completely different from your brother, Min Suga. He despises the night while I think of it as something pure and beautiful. The night is said to be dark and cold but holds so much beauty within. It's not only dark, just like the day is not only light. There's so much more and you can simply open your eyes and explore the natural beauty of it", Taehyung spoke softly, lifting his face towards the midnight sky.

"It's not a black shadow falling over the world, the stars, the moon are here to offer us light, shelter for the ones who were abandoned during the day find soothing help in the calming night", the poet's words rang deep within Suga and he felt himself gasping for air.

"Maybe my brother hates the night because he knows that I'm hiding in it", he pointed out, studying Taehyung's gorgeous face and feeling deep respect for the male. He was so young, yet so experienced with his words that it left anyone speechless.

"Or maybe your brother fears the night because he can't control it", Taehyung said, opening his eyes and looking at Suga. There was the gentle shadow of moonlight illuminating his sharp cheek bones and Suga thought of Taehyung being the moon himself, absolutely gorgeous but unrealistically beautiful.

Suga has always wondered what it would be like to touch the moon.

"He's like an hurricane during the day but the night haunts him... while you fear the day and hide behind shadows. I don't blame you. I simply noticed how alike yet how different you two appear. Like day and night. And the more I think about this comparison, the more I believe it's true. You're the night, Suga. Calm but strong with so much more hiding behind your assumed darkness", Taehyung said intently, his sharp eyes studying Suga's face.

The elder has never felt such a pull towards someone else, such an urge to get close. He was never the one to be physical but something about the prince's words sliced something inside of him open. His insides felt raw and vulnerable, analyzed by this sweet male knowing nothing about him but looking into his heart like no one else could.

It made Suga want him in a way he has never wanted someone before.

Taehyung's lips left a surprised gasp when he was engulfed with arms and gentle lips pressed on his, a strong hold pushing him into warmth, a sweet tongue licking over his bottom lip and the young prince allowed it entrance. Suga didn't know why he wanted to kiss Taehyung but he did and now that he got a taste of these sweet lips, he never wanted to let go.

"Stay the night with me, Taehyung-ah. I want to show you everything the night has to offer", Suga mumbled huskily against the poet's lips, Taehyung giggling in return. He was a blushing mess but it was cute, seeing the master of words flustered to speak.

Taehyung nodded timidly, knowing what would happen the second he would agree but he was sure to not regret it. Suga was fascinating him and as long as the other was willing to tolerate his presence, Taehyung wanted to stay with him. This forgotten prince was so much more than rumors and Taehyung wanted to explore anything.

"Make me forget about the day then, Min Suga", Taehyung said sweetly, lips pressing against Suga's before he was pulled back into the cabin, hands tugging on his clothing, eagerly exposing each other's bodies and falling into each other's embrace until everything was forgotten.

This night belonged only to them.


No smut bc I dont write such things anymore, hope you enjoy the poetic meaning behind anyways uwu


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