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Rumors outside the King’s bedroom have caused Taehyung to anxiously jump to his feet, fearing of what the King would do to him while he furiously wiped his eyes to get rid of the last evidence of his weakness before turning to the door. He lifted his chin, prepared to humiliated again.

But to his surprise, he instead heard a soft, familiar voice. “M-my Prince?“, and Taehyung nearly squealed very unroyal like because this was none other than his loyal servant Hoseok. “Hoseok! Oh thank all the stars, it’s you!“, Taehyung exhaled relieved before running over to the door.

“Prince Taehyung! Oh, I am so relieved that you’re well. I cannot open the door, it is locked so we have to communicate through it”, Hoseok said quickly, having paced around the area where the King’s chambers were located and he has waited for an opportunity to slip past the guards.

Now that this chance has come, he needed to be fast, get the next step from his prince and hopefully free him from the savage claws of the Scar King. “Hoseok, you need to get help. My plan does not go smoothly and I fear I won’t be able to get out of this room”, Taehyung said, already sensing that they wouldn’t have much time.

“H-he locked you inside, didn’t he? Please tell me he didn’t harm you, my prince”, Hoseok’s panicked voice caused a sad smile on Taehyung’s face, resting his forehead against the wooden door. “No Hoseok, he could only in a way that would break my mind but not my body. As for my heart, I have locked it away but this is not important. We do not have enough time, my situation is unsafe so you have to send for help. Reach out for my cousin, Hoseok. Jimin will help”, Taehyung instructed his silently sniffling friend who was once again admiring how strong his prince was.

His admiration for the gorgeous brunet just grew and Hoseok made the promise in his heart to get Taehyung out of there, his prince was too kind for this harsh treatment and he was going to get revenge for him.

“I will, my prince, do not worry. Help will be send this way”, Hoseok promised, hearing footsteps approaching and he turned back to the door, not wanting to leave his prince alone who was so vulnerable in the claws of the Scar King.

“Someone is coming, I have to go”, he hurriedly said, Taehyung on the other side of the door closing his eyes in defeat. “Stay safe, my friend”, he whispered, hearing Hoseok leaving in a hurry, not seeing the fondness in his servant’s eyes before he disappeared in a hiding spot.

Hoseok watched how five men, four guards and the King, approached the locked bedroom and his heart dropped once he saw the heavy iron chains two of them carried with them, the King slipping out a golden key to unlock the door before stepping inside, the guards following.

Hoseok tried to steal a glance on his poor prince but only heard a loud protest obviously coming from Taehyung, a scream followed before the doors were thrown shut and separating him from his poor prince. “Do not worry, Taehyung. I will get help”, Hoseok said before hurrying out of the corridor.


Taehyung on the other side quickly backed away once he heard how the doors were opened, stepping further away when the intruders were revealed, a protest leaving his lips. His eyes scanned the men and they grew wide once laid on the heavy looking chains in their hands, immediately panicking.

He lifted his hands in an attempt of surrender, trying to pass this torture but the men coldly approached the petit beauty with no emotion shown on their faces. The Scar King appeared in the room, a pleased smirk on his face when he saw the distress in Taehyung’s gorgeous face, arms crossed behind his back.

“Tie his ankle to the bed”, the King mercilessly commanded, smirking when Taehyung screamed, his pretty dove fighting so adorably against his punishment. The guards crowded him, making it impossible for the little angel to escape.

Taehyung whimpered, losing his balance and falling to the ground, the open falling kimono revealing intoxicating golden skin yet the guards weren’t allowed to react as Taehyung was the King’s precious jewel so they averted their eyes elsewhere.

The prince’s foot was roughly but somewhat gently lifted up, making him fall backwards onto his hands while Yoongi walked over to his bed, leaning against the bedpost and watching the scenario pleased. Taehyung was just trying to push him, that sweet thing but Yoongi wasn’t going to let his dove play him, he was the King and master in playing games.

He ruled over the Kingdom and he ruled over Taehyung. The pretty little dove would soon enough realize this too, then finally give up, sit by Yoongi’s side, love and never leave him like any other did. Yoongi was going to make sure of it, even if he had to chain Taehyung to his side.

“A-ah!“, a strangled sob left Taehyung’s rosy lips that were now brightly bitten, one of the men caging his ankle with an iron shackle, no, this was actually gold, decorated by tiny crystals, a pretty collar yet still a collar. The others locked the end of the shackles to the bedpost, making sure it left enough room for the King’s dove to move but not enough to get out of the room.

Taehyung pulled on the chain with teary eyes when he was released, sitting on the ground in misery after seeing how the lock was shut which made it impossible for him to remove the chain around his ankle. He shuffled in his spot, tugging on the shackle but without any use. The cuff stayed right in place.

“Don’t cry now, pretty dove, this is just a little precautionary measure to make sure you stay where I want you to be", the King chuckled before pushing himself away from his spot to confidently walk over to his broken dove who was sobbing on the ground.

Taehyung's chin was yanked upwards when long fingers were wrapped around his jaw to force his head into Yoongi's direction, teary wide puppy eyes meeting dangerously malicious black orbs.

"This is what you get for sassing me. Be glad it's just a chain, because next time you'll misbehave, I'll have my presence forever engraved on your sweet body. Or worse, force you on your knees next to my throne", Yoongi smirked down at Taehyung, the guards moving away to stand by the door.

Leaving the King and his miserable little dove alone, the Scar King bending over the lithe form of the beautiful Paekche Prince who was broken down and looking so tiny, like a crushed flower beneath the elder man.

"Y-you will pay for this", Taehyung whispered out in a low voice, Yoongi laughed and flicking Taehyung's bottom lip before standing back up and letting go of his defiant Baby.

"No one's going to stop me", the King confidently said before turning back around and storming out of the room, his guards following without even throwing a glance to the poor beauty left alone on the floor.

Now cuffed to the King's bed without being able to leave. 


This is my fave chapter it is ☆spicy☆


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