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"Your skin has the color of fluid gold, has anyone told you this?", Suga said, fingertips dancing delicately over the exposed back of the boy laying next to him, a tired smile on his face, chin resting against his elbow while he was playing with the other's hair himself.

"You think so? I never thought of it that way...", Taehyung mumbled, only covered by Suga's thin blankets he has draped over them, long legs entangled with the sheets and looking effortlessly with just wearing his skin. There were love marks all over his skin from the previous night and Suga felt proud to have painted this canvas and leave a mark of him on this gorgeous boy.

"And your hair is like obsidian floating through my fingertips", the poet mumbled with an airy laugh and a goofy smile, causing the man to his side to laugh as well. "I can continue this on for hours, y'know?", Suga teased the boy while wrapped his arms around him and pulling him onto his chest.

"Hours? Weak, I can go on for days", Taehyung giggled and squealed when Suga pinched his sides before rolling them around, pinning the younger to the mat beneath them. Taehyung didn't mind being completely naked under Suga, instead lifting his head to press his lips against Suga's, smiling into the kiss.

"Hmm, I don't want you to go back to the palace. Let the snake be mad and search for you. I'm gonna be selfish and keep you to myself", Suga grumbled against Taehyung's neck and the prince laughed silently. "I wish I could turn your wish into reality, my darling but I fear I have to go. It's for the best, you want his fall, right? And I promised to help you achieve this", the brunet mumbled, hair feathering over his feline shoulders when Suga pouted against his skin.

"You're going into the lion's den... how can I let you go like this, knowing how my brother will react? He'll eat you alive and I cannot bear with the thought of you being in his claws. He'll devour you", Suga remarked and Taehyung cradled his head. "I was in the lion's den before and survived. I can do it another time", he assured the elder.

"You could stay but I'm not going to force you. I'm grateful for what you're about to do for us yet still allow me to be worried for your safe being, doll", Suga said. "I understand your worries and I'm thankful for your concern. But I experienced Yoongi's anger and even if I'm a foreigner, I cannot appreciate the way he's treating his own people. He's turning into a tyrant and no one deserves such a leader. Plus I've seen Jungkook and heard about his rough life on the streets. I at least want to provide him a safe future", Taehyung explained sweetly and Suga felt his heart ache.

"I met the sweetest angel and now I'm suppose to let you go like this? You're messing with my heart, angel. You've been nothing but a doll to us yet we mistrusted you and I fear some still do. Yet you want to risk your safety for us like this when you hold no business with my kingdom", Suga replied touched but Taehyung merely shrugged his shoulders.

"It's the right thing to do plus it became my business when I stepped foot into the kingdom and when the king decided to show me all the wrong parts of the city. I'm not one to look away, Suga and I hope you do not take me as such a royal. It is my duty as a prince to help people in need and assist those who cannot do it themselves", Taehyung spoke truthfully, earning a butterfly kiss to his heart.

"Bless your soul for that, Kim Taehyung. You're truly giving us hope that not all royals are scums."


When Suga and Taehyung left the cabin, Seokjin was already waiting in front of it together with an excited looking Jungkook who couldn't contain his large smile. Seokjin's brows were furrowed over dark eyes when he saw how Suga assisted Taehyung, with one hand on the small of his back and little smiles shared.

"So you two fucked", he stated as soon as they came close and Taehyung's eyes widened before an ashamed blush crept onto his face. Suga to his side stayed unbothered, wrapping one arm around Taehyung's waist to pull the prince close.

"It is not of your business whether we did or not, Seokjin", the man stated while Taehyung looked away ashamed, not wanting to see the anger evident in the other's eyes. But Seokjin only sighed, staring over at Suga. "It's possible hopeless to tell you that he might be a spy and used you to get information, right?", he sighed, one arm wrapped around Jungkook's shoulders who himself was staring intensely at Taehyung.

They didn't know this prince after all, he was royalty and could be saying all of this to betray them for the sake of his own life, they couldn't trust him. Yet Suga's share of intimation with him made them suspicious but not relieved.

Time would show whether Taehyung was on their side of not.

"It is hopeless but I appreciate your concern", Suga said, his arm tightening around Taehyung's waist and the poet looked to the ground ashamed, knowing very well how much they mistrusted him and if he was in their shoes, he would be to.

"Are we going through with the plan?", Jungkook then asked into the awkward moment of silence, making Taehyung look up curiously at him. The male was so young yet he carried himself with authority and even if he was constantly bickering with Seokjin, Taehyung could see the love they held for each other.

"Yes", Suga said briefly, turning to Taehyung and gently caressing his face. "We have discussed the easiest way to bring you back into the palace and we decided it'll be best to bring you back to the village and let you be found by the guards", Suga explained, Taehyung following his explanation with wide doe eyes.

He nodded while Suga was speaking, gnawing nervously on his bottom lip which was caught by Suga and released from the grip of his teeth. "But I have to warn you, pretty doll. If you betray us, then you won't live long enough to reach back your kingdom. We offered you trust instead of killing you for being from royal blood so now you have to repay that trust. Let us down and you'll see where this gets you", Suga warned Taehyung with hard eyes.

The poet shivered, but nodded his head nonetheless, knowing what he got himself into when he accepted the touch of the other. He was willing to fight for those who couldn't defend themselves.

"I understand, and I promise to not let you down. You have my word", Taehyung said sincerely. Seokjin huffed but threw Taehyung a half hearted smile.

"We'll see if your word is from worth, Kim Taehyung."


Omg, so sorry for not updating at all, I completely forgot!


Emperor's conquest | TG ✔Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora