After shopping, they decide to stroll some more before going back. Tang San, Tang Yin, Xiao Wu, and Lin Han is taking everything in. It was their first time being in the capital. Tang Yin has a headache with this many signatures, however. Fortunately, Lin Han holds his hand, so he won't be separated. The Shrek Monsters also wear Tang Yin zither strings, so he can track them. After a round of shopping, they decided to go back to the inn. "Flander and Teacher Hao told me that we will compete in the spirit arena tonight. Grandmaster is the one who proposed it. What opponent do you think we get?" Lin Han inquire. "I don't know. I just hope none of them are too strong. We already have a gold badge member in our team" Ma Hongjun makes his opinion known. "Yeah. I can't cope if we have to fight a team of 40 ranks spirit masters" Oscar said. "Let's just ask them, then" Tang Yin shrugged.

The nine of them go back to the inn. They head straight into their rooms and put their newly bought things on the table.  "Done shopping?" Ah Yin asks, suddenly appearing in front of the door. "Yes, mother. We're all done". "Mother, why did you come here?" Tang Yin suddenly asks. "Oh, nothing. It just that, you will fight against a vicious opponent this night. So be prepared". Before the rest of them can question what that meant, Ah Yin is already sliding off, disappeared. Because of what Ah Yin had said, coupled with Grandmaster and Tang Hao's discussion, They were very nervous. They didn't back down, however, and told Tang Yin to play some music to soot their nerves. Tang Yin obeyed and played a random tune. The Shrek Monsters is comforted for a moment

That changed when night comes. Tang Hao and Grandmaster already inform them to wear their black clothes and mask. This makes them nervous again. "Oh no, Teacher Ah Yin said that our opponent is vicious. What should we do?" Ma Hongjun complained dramatically. "Only one way to know. Forget about it, and face it when the time come" Lin Han answer. Ma Hongjun just sighs pitifully. "Little Monsters, hurry up. We have to set out tonight". With Flander urging, they have no choice but to hurriedly clothes. When they go out of the inn, Tang Hao, Grandmaster, and Flander already waiting for them. Without much words, they got to the Spirit Arena. The Spirit Arena in the Capital City is larger, bigger, and more packed with people. You can see that it has a more grand arena, and the people are much stronger than the one in Souto City. "Alright, for this night, you will fight a team battle". "For this fight, you also have to use Tang San's hidden weapon. If you want to use your weapon, is alright too. The one you will be facing is not going to hesitate to kill you just because you're young. Do you all understand?". "Understand, Teacher Hao, Grandmaster".

They go to the Spirit Arena and registered themself. The Spirit Arena recognize their name and give them their opponent data. The opponent also has the same things. Tang Hao and Grandmaster agreed to not help them to plan this time. They all have to learn how to strategize themself, especially Tang San. Tang San pick up the book and start reading. After a while, he closed the book and sigh. "I can tell you that this Fiend Team is ferocious and do not care that we're children. Master and dad are right, we need my hidden weapon. I will give you all the Godly Zhuge Crossbow". Tang San as an assassin has already guest what Tang Hao and Grandmaster had in mind but didn't confirm it. After reviewing the plan, The team that consists of the nine of them set out. Because they have nine people, The fiend team was allowed to choose two spirit masters to help them. 

The arena was silent, and there is no sound that can be heard. The people there were in disbelief about the outcome. "F-f-for... this-s-s bat-tle the Shrek Monsters wins," The announcer says nervously. With that confirmation, all of The Shrek Monsters get out of the stage. Although they win, they were not happy. All of them felt sick and shaken. "Those people, we just...." Ning Rongrong panted heavily. "I can't believe we shoot them" Tang Yin finished. He realized that their signature is still there, if not a little subdued. Tang Yin knows that means that they're just injured, not killed. Tang San may have done something to the crossbow, so the power is not too great. However, he can also feel that their life force is dwindling by the minutes. It means that they have not long to live. Although he didn't see how they kill the Fiend Team, he can still hear the screams and the smell of fishy blood. It still unnerves him. All of them nodded at that. The only one who didn't look too bad is Tang San. As a formers assassin, how can't he kill people back then? Suddenly, Tang Hao, Grandmaster, and Flander come from behind them. They walk and support them silently.

"Do you all think it's bad? Killing people" Tang Hao asks. All of them didn't answer. Grandmaster sigh, and talked in a calm voice, "All great spirit master has killed before. If you can't kill, then you can only end up like them. corpses. Our world is a ruthless one. Those strong spirit masters are not going to spare you just because you're children. They have no qualms in killing you. So, this is a lesson for you". Hearing Grandmaster's reasoning, they become silent. They know that what he said is the truth, but they still hesitant to accept it. "Alright, this is also a reminder for you to not be arrogant, and to always cherish every life. Now, go to bed. We will handle the mess here" Tang Hao finished the lecture. The students shook in relief, and quickly get out of the arena. They all go back to the inn and locked themself in their rooms. That night nobody slept, they stayed awake.

Meanwhile, in the private room, Tang Hao, Grandmaster, and Flander sit with a slumping posture. "Do you think we're too harsh on them? They're children after all" Flander said. "They have to learn it sooner or later. If not, how can they grow". "Alright, what you say makes sense. Fortunately, the one we killed is one of the most vicious and cruel teams in the arena". After that, the private room is silent. 

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