"My bad, sir." The young woman hurried to apologize nervously and then rushed into the darkroom to place the bags of clothes and shoes onto the table. She scanned the room in a confusion as to why her boss didn't bother to turn on the light. Ever since the news of the disappearance of the past employees under the Cobra group spread, there were quite a lot of employees that decided to quit their job. As soon as the rumor recalled inside her head, the blonde girl hurried to spin around on her heels and ran out of the room without showing respect to her employer.

Dean, on the other hand, was left in surprise. He took a step out of the room to look at that young woman's back with a questioning look. His brows tied together again before his gaze dropped to scan his own body which was filled with flaws. He glanced back up, but the girl was nowhere to be seen. He thought the girl must've gotten scared from how he looked the minute that she ran away. He must've looked so much like a monster in her eyes, he thought. What he didn't know was the fact that the young girl was feared of getting killed. Without understanding the situation, Dean inhaled deeply to refresh his mind. He then turned to walk into his room and switched on the light switch at the same time that he locked the door.

After putting on his black leather shoes and a formal designed black suit with a white jacket inside, Dean grabbed a small box that was in the same bag as his shoes'. He opened the black velvet box quickly to see a golden Cobra snake pin. Without further thinking, he hurried to pin it diagonally onto the pocket of his black blazer. "What is she even doing now?" He murmured when the urge of wanting to see Giselle grew all of the sudden.

He sat on the sofa again. This time he exhaled loudly in exhaustion and then take his phone to dial in one of his men's numbers. As soon as the other end answered, Dean sighed in relief. "What's she doing?" He questioned abruptly with a small smile that barely curved up the corner of his mouth.

"She's eating dinner now, boss. Mr. Aldo decided to take his wife with him to work for a week until boss comes back. His wife didn't seem to like Miss. Giselle Chu that much, sir. I'm afraid Mr. Aldo's wife will report us to the police."

Dean pinched his nose in frustration before he closed his eyes to think for a few seconds. "... She won't dare. For now, just keep both eyes on Giselle. I don't want anything, not even a scratch, on her. She must never find out about what I am doing in Las Vegas. Once I'm done, I will head back immediately. Right now is not the right time... Also... I forgot to take her phone away. Make sure to steal the phone from her. I don't want her to keep on calling me, especially when my father is around. He's going to find me suspicious."

"Yes, sir." There was a hesitation in his voice before the man continued. "Would you like to speak with her?"

Dean bit his lower lip a little and stayed still for a few seconds. "Yes... wait... no. Not now. I'll just explain to her after I'm done with everything."

"Yes, boss... I think I have to hang up now, boss. She's looking in my direction."

Dean nodded slightly before he hung up. As he was about to toss his phone back to the table, his father's name shown up across his screen immediately. He delayed picking it up at first due to the bitter feeling that his father made him felt in the earlier meeting. Before the call could end, Dean's thumb made a quick swipe across the screen to answer it.

"Everyone is ready. Where the fuck are you?" Bowen Winchester asked furiously.

"Coming," Dean replied shortly and then got up to make his way out of the room.

On the first floor of the resort, stood a group of five men in blacks. They were guarding another two men who were sitting arrogantly on the red leather sofa. The two men wore the same golden cobra snake pin in a diagonal style just like that of Dean Winchester's. The old man checked his watch impatiently before his eyes darted back to the elevator door.

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