Chapter 10: Awake

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Word Count: 1029

Aizawa's POV

The next day, Aizawa was bombarded with questions from class 1-A. No one could focus, and a few students were missing. Presumably at the infirmary.

"Everyone, settle down." Aizawa activated his quirk. The chatter and questions eventually died down. "Izuku is fine. He will be in the infirmary for a few more days."

Mina stands up. "I demand to see him immediately!"

"Agreed! It is good to care for people dear to you!" Iida also stands up. "May we see him for just a little bit?"

"Fine." Aizawa sighs, exasperated. "Not now." He adds when everyone stands up. "Also, one person go get Todoroki and Kaminari from the infirmary."

"I volunteer as tribute!" Mina said and was out the door before anyone else says anything.

"Momo, go. She will try to drag Izuku's bed to the classroom." Aizawa says.

Momo stands up and calmly makes her way out the classroom. Her footsteps then speed up.

"The rest of you, we're coming up with possible hero names. Make sure to come up with more than one. Midnight will review them and help pick the best one tomorrow." Aizawa sits back in his seat and closes his eyes, pretending to be asleep. He was hiding his worry for his son, as well as Hizashi. Izuku will be okay.

Izuku's POV

It's very dark. Izuku 'opens' his eyes. It's very warm.

Izuku couldn't feel much, but he felt warm and comfortable in the darkness. There's no light, no white.

Izuku felt the telltale pinpricks of needles entering his body.! I don't want needles! He felt several needles enter and exit his arm. Izuku wanted to move away, but he couldn't. It was the same as back at the lab. Restrained, while several needles injected or removed.

The darkness wrapped around him more and nullified the pinpricks.

I like it here. I want to stay.

Izuku stayed in the darkness. It was like swimming through goop. Sometimes it was thin and he can hear things, but most of the time it was thick and warm.

Izuku wanted to stay forever, but he remembered his friends. Shouchan, Kami-kun, Mina-chan, Ocha-san, Momo-san, Jiro-san, Tsu-chan, Toru-chan, Sero-kun, Toko-chan, Mezo-kun, Kiri-chan, Kacchan, Iida-san, Yu-kun, Oji-san, Satou-kun, and Kou-san. Also that purple orb haired guy was weird.

He also needed his family. Hito-kun, Aizawa, and Hizashi.

And the other staff members Midnight, Cementoss, Recovery Girl, and Ectoplasm.

Izuku still wanted to drink boba, try more foods, and help his friends. And of course, he still needed to save his other friends at the lab.

Regretfully, he left the comforting darkness.

It was dark in the infirmary. But Izuku could see his dark curtains. His bed was lighter than his curtains, but thankfully it wasn't white.

"Hello?" Izuku whispered very quietly. He didn't hear anything else other than small swishing noises, presumably the wind outside.

Izuku didn't want to go back to sleep, but he didn't want to move around and wake somebody. So he stayed still, listening to the wind and fiddling with the covers.

Eventually, morning came. The room slowly lit up, creating long shadows. Izuku was just closing his eyes for a little bit, and heard shuffling.

"Hello?" Izuku whispered again. His black curtains slowly slid open.

"Oh, good, Izuku. You're awake. How're you feeling?" A relieved Recovery Girl handed Izuku some gummies.

"I'm okay. A little lightheaded." Izuku examined the gummies. "What're these?"

"Gummies that give you stamina." Recovery Girl sat beside Izuku's bed. "They're strawberry flavor."

Izuku popped one in his mouth. It burst with sweetness and flavor. "I like it."

"Good." Recovery Girl smiles. "Now, can you please tell me where you came from?"

Izuku froze.

"We just want to make a file for you."

Izuku, of course, started to panic internally. I wish I could, but I can't. I don't even know where I came from. Just a lab. "I-I d-don't k-know?"

Seeing that Izuku was clearly shaken up, Recovery Girl thankfully didn't ask any further. Just made a small note on a clipboard.

"You're doing much better. Stay here for one more day just in case, then you can go home tomorrow." Recovery Girl stands up and leaves. "Also, you have quite a few visitors."

Izuku tried to calm himself down and push away the flashes of the lab that went across his eyes. He heard Recovery Girl scold some people outside, saying only a few people allowed. Todoroki, Shinsou, Kaminari, Aizawa, and Hizashi came in first.

"Izu! How are you feeling?" Kaminari worriedly placed a basket of fruit on the small table beside the bed. "We got you fruit!"

"Thanks Kami-kun! I'm feeling really good! Recovery Girl says I can go home tomorrow!" Izuku cheerfully said, forgetting his panic earlier. "You didn't need to get me fruit..."

"We wanted to." Todoroki mumbled and ran his hands through Izuku's hair.

"That feels good Shouchan." Izuku giggled.

Todoroki smiles gently and continued running his hands through Izuku's hair.

"How're you doing Izuku?" Hizashi was clearly struggling to keep his quirk under control.

"I'm fine dad! You should outside and scream. Your pent up energy will explode soon, I can tell." Izuku grins.

"Good to know you're okay Izuku." Shinsou says and leads Hizashi away. "I'll tell the others that they can come in."

As if on cue, Mina comes in holding...

"Boba!" Izuku grabs the cup Mina hands him. "Thank you Mina-chan and Satou-kun!"

"Are you sure you're okay Izuku? You seemed really bad yesterday." Iida says with concern.

"Yeah, I'm totally fine. Recovery Girl said I can go home tomorrow." Izuku takes a sip of the boba.

"We'll come back later Izuku." Uraraka squeaks when she sees the time. "We've got class."

"Oh, shoot! We might be late!" Momo starts pushing everyone away with a staff. "Yeah, see you later Izuku!"

"Yes, Momo. Good job, we should always try to be on time." Izuku heard Iida's voice saying.

Izuku smiled and drank more boba. I'm so glad I came out of the darkness.
Hi everyone!

I just want to say, wow, you guys can be brutal 😂 (see comments on previous chapter). I do love to read your comments, and thank you for voting!

Also, love the Haikyuu references.

Thank you for reading!

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