Chapter 22: Memories

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Word Count: 848

Todoroki's POV

It was challenging tying to find their way out of the enormous lab in the dark. Nezu and Aizawa had already texted everyone that they were waiting by the entrance.

Thankfully, it meant the scientists also had trouble finding them. The eerie silence was bearable in the beginning, but only because there was light and Todoroki's heart was pumping too hard to care. Now the silence was almost torture. He had to be slower and gentler because he was also carrying Izuku. Every corner he turned made his heart thump louder. There was always the looming possibility a scientist would run into them and Todoroki would be slow to react because both hands were full.

The atmosphere was terrifyingly similar too when...

Todoroki laid down on his futon, tears streaming down the right side of his face. If it was possible, tears would also be flowing out of his left eye, but it was covered with a bandage, the medicine almost made no difference on the stinging on his body or his heart.

Only hours earlier, his mom had dumped boiling water onto his left eye, causing a large and excruciatingly painful burn. His father didn't even let him go to the hospital because "The future number one hero doesn't need to go to hospitals for that small burn." He didn't even let Todoroki grieve or rest after the traumatic experience of his screaming mom being pulled away and just continued training.

Todoroki was afraid to start crying loudly in fear of waking his dad, who would yell at him for waking him up, then train him more because he had time before going out to be the number two hero.

The air was dense, and even the crickets outside didn't make noise. The silence made the pounding in his heart deafening.

The sound of footsteps made Todoroki flinch and thrusted him back into the real world. At least now Izuku's steady breaths kept him sane. Todoroki turned off his phone flashlight and made his breaths and steps as quiet as possible. The attempt at invisibility was futile. A bright light quickly filled the hallway and blinded Todoroki's vision.

Inko's POV

As Inko stared at the dual and green haired boy she found before her, she hesitated pressing the button on her clipboard that would alert the other scientists where she was. The bright light had been her idea, to blind the intruders and buy enough time to inject them with a sedative.

The green haired boy, 259, stirred and woke up. He immediately squinted against the bright light and muttered something Inko couldn't hear. The dual haired boy whispered something back and gently set him on the ground before raising his arm to attack.

"Wait," Inko's voice sounded a pitch too high. "I can help get you out." What am I doing? The dual haired boy paused, his eyes were still squinted.

"Why would you help us? Why should I trust you? For all I know, you could lead us into a trap." The dual haired boy shielded 259 with his free hand. Inko's eyes strayed to 259 again.

The more Inko looked at 259, the more familiar he seemed to her. Some black at the roots of his green hair, a scattering of freckles across his face. 259 ducked behind the dual haired boy and only the tips of his curly hair remained in view.

Not 259, he has a name too. What is his name? The question suddenly popped into her head. This one question started at stream of question. I don't remember when I started working here. When did I work here? How did I get here? What was my past life? As Inko was distracted with her sudden "awakening", the dual haired boy grabbed the light from her hands and froze her body with ice. She felt something hard hit her on her head and the blinding light was replaced with darkness.

Uraraka's POV

Uraraka felt sick. Her stomach was roiling, and the glass of strawberry milk she drank before the mission was threatening to surface. She desperately made as much noise as she could with her mouth closed clapped her hands together to alert Tokoyami of the crisis.

"Are you alright?" Tokoyami's strained voice asked when she and the others landed. Dark Shadow's red eyes were moving quickly, and thrashing noises were heard. They both shined their phone flashlights to calm Dark Shadow down.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just need a few moments to rest." Uraraka said and clutched her hands to her mouth. She really wished she brought some of those pills Aizawa suggested to use to help her when her nausea was really strong. She took a few deep breaths to try and calm her roiling stomach, but still ended up throwing up a bit in her mouth. Eww.

"Alright," Uraraka finally felt good enough to continue. "I hope the exit's nearby. I don't think I can keep myself together anymore for too much longer." As Uraraka and the children were lifted up, loud footsteps made everyone freeze.
Ahhhh I'm so sorry for being dead.

My writers block is finally goneeeee.

I swear the next update won't be long.

See you all next update.

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