Chapter 4: Home

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Izuku's POV

Izuku stays quiet as Aizawa leapt from building to building. The cool night air and the steady thrum of Aizawa's heartbeat was making him sleepy.

Izuku slowly closes his eyes and lets sleep pull him under.

Aizawa's POV

Aizawa glanced down at Izuku and realizes that he fell asleep. Izuku looked so peaceful and relaxed compared to before. His breathing was steady, his face wasn't filled with fear anymore, and his body was limp and relaxed.

Now that Izuku was calm and unmoving, Aizawa could also see his features. Izuku had curly, forest green hair with some black on the tips, a small nose, hollowed out cheeks...wait, hollowed out cheeks? Now that Aizawa could see him properly, Izuku was pretty thin.

Why would anyone do this to a small child? Aizawa thought. But because Aizawa was examining Izuku, he didn't notice the upcoming jump.

Aizawa fell down, landed on his feet, and caught Izuku with his capture weapon. Izuku was now awake, eyes wide with fear. Forest green eyes with flecks of gold. Aizawa noted as he brought the child closer to him.

"Sorry. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going Izuku." Aizawa muttered as he ran, eyes forward this time.

"Shouta!" A spiky yellow haired man crashed into Aizawa as he stepped inside his house.

"Careful Hizashi, I have a child in my arms." Aizawa hissed and held Izuku in the air with his capture weapon.

"You've adopted another kid?" Yamada perks up. "What's he like? Is he like Shinsou?"

"I haven't officially adopted him yet. Anyways this is Izuku." Aizawa set Izuku down on the floor. "I still need your permission to adopt him."

Yamada took one look at the greenette and decided. "We're taking him in. He looks so innocent and he doesn't deserve to be in foster care or at an orphanage!"

Izuku's POV

Izuku was looking curiously around the house. So much color! His seven-year-old mind was taking everything in like a sponge. I have to tell everyone how colorful the outside world is! This is wonderful!

"Hello little listener! My name is Yamada, Hizashi!" Yamada's voice got loud at the end. Izuku covered his ears and shut his eyes. Is everything going to be this loud? My eardrums are going to be shattered!

"You've scared the poor child Hizashi." Aizawa muttered.

"Sorry I can't help it sometimes. Hardly anything's been happening lately." Yamada pouted.

Aizawa sighed and rolled his eyes. "Shinsou. Get down here and meet your future little brother."

Brother-a man or boy in relation to other sons and daughters of his parents. Adoption-the action or fact of legally taking another's child and bringing it up as one's own, or the fact of being adopted. But, I don't know my parents or anyone here. Why are they being so kind to me? Izuku unconsciously started crying. He wanted to tell them the truth so badly, but he knew he would get caught, and the heros probably won't ever see him again.

Aizawa's POV

"Izuku, are you okay?" A concerned Aizawa asked.

Izuku shook his head. "It's just that, I hardly know anyone here and you're all being so kind to me, and I don't know why. I'm used to knowing everything!" Izuku cried. "But, I don't know what this warm feeling I have right now, and it's making me freaked out."

Aizawa's concern only grew. This child didn't know happiness? Where was he for the entirety of his life? Who is hurting him?

Aizawa's questions only stopped when Yamada said, "I've decided. If anyone hurts this boy, it will kill everyone who hurt him then kill myself."

Aizawa sighed. What is wrong with this family? At this moment, Shinsou decided to show up.

"Hey dads. You're adopting another kid?" Shinsou said in a tired voice.

"Yes," Aizawa gestures to the curled up Izuku on the rug. "What are you doing up so late."

"You called me down. Besides, it was getting boring staring at the wall in silence." Shinsou shot back.

Izuku looked up at this new arrival. "Go meet your brother. I'm going to sleep." Aizawa pulled out his sleeping bag and flipped onto the couch. "Don't be too loud. By the way, his name's Izuku."

"Well I'm going to bed too! Good night little listeners!" Yamada walked to another room with a spring in his step.

Shinsou's POV

Shinsou looked at Izuku, while Izuku stared back. This went on for quiet some time before Shinsou awkwardly said, " want to come to my room, or like, look around the house?"

Izuku shrugged his shoulders and stood up. "I don't really care what we do." He said quietly.

Shinsou started walking towards Izuku, but stopped when Izuku curled up into a ball and started shaking. "I-I'm sorry. I-I just g-get nervous when I meet new people." Izuku's voice shook.

Shinsou was uncomfortable. What am I supposed to do? It's not like I have much experience with kids. "Umm, I guess I'll introduce myself and everyone else to you. I'm Shinsou Hitoshi. My quirk is brainwashing. That caterpillar over there," Shinsou pointed to where Aizawa laid down, "Is Aizawa Shouta. His quirk lets him erase other quirks until he blinks. The other guy who called us 'little listeners' is Yamada Hizashi. His quirk allows him to use amplify his voice."

Izuku looked up and unraveled himself. "Thank you Hito-kun. I feel much better now." Shinsou smiled internally at the nickname. It was cute, and better than 'problem child' or 'little listener'.

Izuku's POV

Shinsou took Izuku's hand and led him around the house. Knowing things feels so much better. Izuku thought. Maybe this can be home.
Word Count: 957

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