Chapter 14: Rescue?

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Word count: 661

Izuku's POV

Izuku was suddenly awake. His heart thumped in his chest. What-

There was a small thump as the door opened and closed. A light turned on and illuminated the room outside of Izuku's cot.

Recovery Girl already left, then who-

Aizawa's POV

Aizawa slowly walked into the classroom, deprived of sleep as usual.

"Sir!" Kaminari yelled as soon as Aizawa walked in, successfully jolting Aizawa awake. "I-Izuku's gone!"

"What?!" Aizawa raised his voice. As he scanned the classroom, many of the students were panicking. "Does Nezu know about this?"

"I told Recovery Girl, she said she would alert Principle Nezu immediately then rushed out of the room." Satou speaks up.

"Class is dismissed. Don't do anything." Aizawa snarled. They're gonna go try and save him themselves. I just know it. Aizawa sighs. They don't even know about the White Ravens yet.

"Nezu," Aizawa bursts into Nezu's office.

"I was already alerted." Nezu says, his calm demeanor slipping off. Recovery Girl sat in one of the chairs, equally as panicked as class 1-A.

"You think it was them? The White Ravens?" Aizawa took a took in a heaving breath. Maybe I shouldn't have sprinted here.

"I don't see any other logical option." Nezu sips his tea. "We need to bring him back immediately."

"Are you sure we should rush in without a plan?" Aizawa coughs one last time.

"I will have a plan ready soon." Nezu folds his hands together.

You never fail to amaze me. Aizawa pulls out a chair and sits down. "But a rescue mission would need more than just the three of us."

Nezu smiles. "I believe your students have become friends with Izuku already?"

Nezu's idea starts becoming clear. "But they're children." Aizawa says with disbelief.

"They successfully defended the villains at USJ and defended themselves at the training camp." Nezu reminds Aizawa of the two villain attacks on the students of class 1-A. "I think they're more than capable of coming with us. They know Izuku best, and we hopefully won't be fighting with them."

"Hopefully?" Aizawa grumbles. "So there's still a chance that they may fight back?"

"A slight chance, but don't you agree that they're qualified?" Nezu smiles. "They seem to be dying to go save their friend anyways." He waves a paw to the door.

Aizawa stands up and sighs. I swear- He opens the door. There stands Mina, Uraraka, Todoroki, Kaminari, Tokoyami, Kirishima, and Shinsou. Aaaand that's what I thought.

"Sir, can we please go with you on the rescue mission?" Mina asks urgently.

Aizawa turns back to Nezu who smiled.

"Maybe." Aizawa grumbles. "You were here the whole time? Also, Shinsou, you're in a different class, how did you know about this?"

"We have the power of technology." Shinsou says. "The other teachers already know, but are leaving it up to you."

"What about your class?" Aizawa asks, already knowing the answer.

"I just told him and he let me go." Shinsou shrugs.

Aizawa takes a deep breath. "Alright fine. You problem children can come."

Mina, Uraraka, Kirishima, and Kaminari cheered.

"Though to be honest, I expected more of you to show up." Aizawa smiles inwardly.

"We worked it out." Todoroki shrugs. "Although, there were some more people that were bent on coming, but we convinced them that they should prepare stuff for when Izuku came back."

"Well, it seems that it has been decided!" Nezu says cheerfully and clapped his paws together.

"Wait, we're going now?" Uraraka squeaks. "But it's the middle of the day!"

"Not now, no, but when I finalize my plan, yes." Nezu laughs. "I will warn you children though, my plan will require lots of self control." He quickly glances at all the faces in the room. "I know you all have formed a bond with Izuku, but please do not make any rash decisions, especially if you see him."

Izuku, Aizawa wraps himself tighter in his sleeping bag. Please hang in there. We're coming soon.

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