Chapter 5: New Staff Member

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Aizawa's POV

The next day, Aizawa brought little Izuku to Yuuei. Nezu wanted to know the boy more and help him get comfortable in the new environment. Izuku was currently curled up in Aizawa's arms, asleep.

Walking to Nezu's office, Aizawa shook Izuku awake and left him in the care of Nezu.

"Nezu," Aizawa set Izuku onto the couch who buried his face into a pillow. "Hizashi has agreed to adopt Izuku."

Nezu beamed. "Good, good. I would also like for Izuku to get to know some other people, students or staff. Having more ties with more people will help him get over his trauma." Nezu takes a sip of tea. "I'll have him meet some other staff and you can bring him to your class tomorrow."

Aizawa nodded and left the office, feeling more awake than ever. Izuku was a quiet child and didn't make a lot of noise. Actually, he didn't make noise at all unless he was spoken to. Why is he so quiet?

Aizawa walked into his classroom and was met with crashes and yelling. Bakugou was chasing Kaminari for some reason and exploding things. Aizawa caught a flying chair with his capture weapon and activated his quirk. Actually, why can't everyone be quiet like Izuku. Is this classroom even safe for him.

Third Person POV

Izuku liked Nezu. He was small, cute, and nice. He also played chess with Izuku which was a fun strategy game that Izuku fell in love with.

"Izuku," Nezu moved a rook. "Would you like to meet some other nice people?"

Izuku was hesitant, but eventually nodded and moved a pawn, putting Nezu in check. "They won't hurt me right?"

"No, of course not!" Nezu thought for a moment then moved his king to then only safe space. Izuku moved a bishop and it was checkmate. Nezu smiled and clapped his paws together. A worthy chess opponent at last! They had played a few games, Nezu winning half, and Izuku winning the other half.

"When will I meet them?" Izuku started taking back all the white pieces and placing them in their respective places.

"How about now? Is that okay?" Nezu hopped off his chair.

"Can they play chess too?" Izuku soundlessly stood up from his chair. "If they play chess with me, they can be my friend."

Nezu took Izuku's hand in his paw. "Alright Izuku. But I will say that they aren't as good as me." Nezu chuckled then led Izuku to the teachers lounge.

"Hello Nezu! Here for some tea?" Midnight handed Nezu a cup filled with tea.

"Thank you Midnight. Normally, yes, but I'm here to introduce a new member of our staff. Izuku." Nezu took the tea and sidestepped to show a trembling Izuku.

"H-hello Mrs. M-Midnight." Izuku hid behind Nezu again and peeked out.

"Ohhhhh! He's so cute!" Midnight gasped. "Ectoplasm, you have to see!"

"Who?" Ectoplasm came out of the printer room holding a stack of papers.

"Izuku!" Midnight crouched down so she was eye level with Izuku. "Wait, did you say staff? He's like, 7!"

"Not a teacher, just a helper of sort." Nezu finished half the tea in one gulp. "He needs a reason to stay here, and he's very smart. Also, you have to play chess with him."

Midnight's face showed pure confusion, but she didn't question it. Nezu always had the weirdest, but best ideas.

Izuku pulled a chessboard and chess pieces out of nowhere and set it down on the floor. He quickly set up the board and sat down, legs crossed, while Nezu placed a paw on his head. Midnight moved a random pawn two spaces up. She had a vague idea on how to play the game but oh well, Izuku was so cute!

Izuku moved one of his pawns as well and waited for Midnight to move one of her pieces. She moved the pawn next to it one space forward, and was checkmated. (This is a fools mate. Yes it's only two moves.)

Midnight smiled and stood back up. "That was fast Izuku! Where'd you learn that?"

Izuku just said, "I read a lot." And hugged Midnight. "Thank you for playing with me Mrs. Midnight."

Midnight's heart melted. "Please call me Midnight Izuku! It was a pleasure to meet you! I must get ready for my next class now." Midnight walked out of the teachers lounge.

Izuku turned to Ectoplasm who was watching Izuku with interest. "C-can we p-play chess too? Mr..."

"Of course Izuku! Please call me Ectoplasm. No need for formalities." Ectoplasm replied and set the papers down.

A small smile flitted across Izuku's face that lit up the room. He reset the board and let Ectoplasm make the first move. Similar to Midnight, Ectoplasm didn't have much experience with chess. The match was over in a few minutes.

"Thank you for playing chess with me Ectoplasm." Izuku stored the chessboard and pieces back to wherever he pulled them out from. "I-I'm sorry if I wasted your time." He added at the end in a small voice.

"No worries Izuku! I enjoyed meeting you very much. I hope you enjoy the rest of your stay here today." Ectoplasm grabbed the papers and waved goodbye to Nezu and Izuku.

Nezu led Izuku back to his office. "How was that Izuku?"

"It was fun. They are nice." Izuku said quietly.

Nezu beamed at this response. "Tomorrow you will meet some students. Is that alright with you?"

Izuku nodded his head and fiddled with a chess piece. "Are they nice? Do they know chess?"

"I don't think they appreciate the wonderful beauty and logic of chess. They are nice and...interesting." Nezu finished off his cup of tea.

Izuku nodded and curled up on the couch. Today was a fun day. He thought before drifting off to sleep.
Word Count: 969

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