Chapter 19: New Faces

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Word count: 533

Uraraka's POV

Uraraka and Tokoyami made their way through the maze of white. Mina slid over to them and gave Uraraka a card and a smile before sliding off.

"Uraraka, here," Tokoyami waves Uraraka over to a locked door.

Uraraka fumbled with the card a bit, unsure of how to use it, until finally the small panel on the side of the door beeped. Surprisingly, the inside of the room was dimmer than it was outside.

"Hello?" There was a feeble voice. "Izuku?"

After hearing Izuku's name, Uraraka and Tokoyami immediately opened the door wider to let more light in. In the room was a small group of kids all leaning against the wall either sleeping or staring into space. One girl with light blue hair styled in a ponytail stood up with the assistance of the wall.

"I assume Izuku sent you here." She smiled. "I'm Cece by the way."

"Do you know where Izuku is?" Uraraka said gently, walking over to Cece and supporting her to the door.

"I was about to ask you. Is he not here?" Cece said worriedly.

Uraraka shook her head. "He got captured back. That's why we're here, to find him." She gently let Cece go and let her sit in the brighter hallway. Uraraka then turned back and helped Tokoyami move the other children too.

"Uraraka, we should alert the others of this." Tokoyami suggested. Uraraka nodded and sent a message in the group chat that only included the students on the mission.

We need to call.

Kirishima's POV

We need to call.

Kirishima looked at Kaminari and saw him also pulling his phone out. Todoroki, Mina, Tokoyami, and Shinsou had already joined the call that opened up.

"Kirishima? Kaminari? Ok good. Everyone's here." Uraraka took a deep breath. "Our mission just got," she paused. "Six times harder."

"What do you mean Uraraka?" Shinsou asked.

"We found six more children." Tokoyami answered. The call grew silent as the situation sank in.

"There's more kids like Izu?" Kaminari muttered next to Kirishima.

Kirishima gave Kaminari a gentle pat. "At least we found them." Kaminari gave Kirishima a determined smile.

"We need to change our plans then." Todoroki thought for a moment. "Uraraka, Tokoyami, since you guys found the other children, bring them as close to the entrance as possible. Wait in a room or something. The rest of us will find Izuku."

Kirishima nodded then remembered they were in a call. "Got it." The call ended and Kaminari and Kirishima continued searching room after room with no success.

"Oof," Kaminari pushed open an especially large and heavy door. Inside was a giant cylinder with several piped protruding from it in all directions. It hummed and shook slightly with energy.

"I think this is the power source of the building." Kirishima looked towards one wall with several boxes and wires on it.

"I don't think Izu will be here." Kaminari pulled Kirishima out. "But mark it just in case." Kirishima looked at Kaminari questionably. He shrugged. "Just in case something goes wrong."

"Well then let's hope nothing goes wrong." Kirishima closes the door and hardens his hand. He slashed an X on the surface of the door.

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