Chapter 2: Thinking Of Amity

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Luz's Perspective

Days had passed since the eventful twenty-four-hours following the unbearably long acid rainstorm, and Luz couldn't shake the feeling that something was off the other night between her and Amity. Ignoring Amity's bizarre behavior was nothing really out of the ordinary, however, it was admittedly much easier to do so when in the presence of others, so when Willow and Gus had called it a night and left Luz alone with Amity, she was a bit stumped. Luz wanted to understand what was driving the green-haired witch to lose all of her brain cells whenever the two were left alone with one another, but she just couldn't. If she were to be honest, she feared that Amity was still hesitant to trust her. After all, she had read her diary all of those moons ago, unintentionally of course, but she was caught doing something unforgivably intrusive nonetheless. Luz also considered the fact that she stuck out like a sore thumb here in the Boiling Isles, and she couldn't blame Amity if she were to still be a little suspicious of her. But deep down, the dorky human wanted nothing more than to get close with Amity and gain her trust once and for all, and she didn't care how long it took to do so, she was determined to use her beaming personality and kindness to win the young witch girl over. 

"Aha! Perish you worthless peasants!" King's adorable attempt to accomplish a menacing demeanor was a casual sight in the Owl House, and as Luz plodded into the living room, her pupils grew wide with endearment at the sight of the fun-sized demon chanting at a heap of stuffed animals laying face-first on the carpet. "What're ya up to bud?" she giggled, fighting the urge to scoop up the little rascal and squeeze him tight. King immediately abandoned his puppet show and scampered up the arm of the couch towards Luz, leaping onto her head and draping his tiny paws over her messy brunette hair. "Oh, I was just torturing my subjects." He chuckled cheekily, wagging his inky brush. "What about you best pal?" the demon returned the question grinning through mischievous lemony oculars. "School! Duh!" She offered her arms and King rolled into them willingly, now positioned like a baby being cradled. "Oh yeah, that." He snorted. "Also, Eda wanted me to tell you she's out this morning so she'll see you later on." Luz nodded before gently placing King on the ground and opening the front door. "Okay, sounds good. Thanks, King!" she waved before shutting it behind her and dashing in the direction of Hexside, the strap of her backpack dangling over her shoulder. 

When Luz had arrived at Hexside, she quickly scanned the area in search of one of her peers.  Finally,  she spotted Willow making her way toward the entrance of the school, and hurried over to her familiar witch friend. "Hey Willow! Have you seen Amity?" Luz was admittedly a little surprised by her own words. Could she be any more eager? Wasn't it a little rude to ask about someone else just as soon as you've encountered a friend? The duncey human bit her lip in embarrassment. Willow betrayed a mischievous smirk before replying to the oddly random question, "Um... No I kinda just got here" she teased. Luz rolled her eyes and playfully jabbed Willow's shoulder spawning an exchange of laughter between the two. Suddenly, the familiar voice of Gus sounded from behind them. "Willow! Luz!" When he had approached,  the pair lit up and simultaneously called his name in greeting. Luz was honestly quite relieved by Gus's sudden appearance as it served as a distraction from her brief, (yet offbeat) remark, which in reality wasn't a big deal, but for some reason still made her uncomfortable. "Did you guys sign up for the Shakespeare Tribute Performance?" Gus queried as though Luz would actually know what the hell that was. The human cocked her head and glanced toward Willow for some guidance. The navy-haired witch took a moment to recognize Luz's confusion, but briskly explained the concept, "It's this fictional performance that Hexside hosts each year for the students to act in". As soon as the gears in Luz's brain began spinning, her face lit up with enthusiasm. "You mean like a play?!" she yipped gleefully, chocolatey irises darting back and forth in anticipation. Considering Gus's knowledge of the Human Realm, he immediately understood the connection and nodded. "A-and you guys know of Shakesphere?!" the human was struggling not to explode from her newfound comprehension of this astounding dimension. "Know of? Girl we worship him!" Gus was thriving off of Luz's contagious excitement. 'I wonder if Amity is going to audition...'  Luz caught herself unintentionally thinking of her green-haired friend again, which caused her to blush a little. "I'm gonna go sign up now! See you guys later!" she announced abruptly before dashing for the school doors. Willow and Gus exchanged a concerned look as they watched the obnoxious Dominican girl disappear down the hallway.

'What's wrong with me today?' Luz cursed herself internally,  her dark mousy oculars fixed on the school's tile flooring. 'What is this girl doing me? Why can't I just be normal?' She paced forward, her head still focused on her white vans as she turned the next corner. Being so distracted by her own thoughts,  she was completely caught off guard when she crashed. For some reason, the human expected that this was going to result in another disastrous encounter with the emerald-haired witch girl herself,  but to her disappointment, it was only a wall. She dizzily rubbed her bruised forehead as she scooped up her books one by one. "I guess life can't always be as convenient as it is in the books..." she chuckled to herself. As soon as she regained clear vision,  she made out the words 'Shakespeare Tribute Performance' on a sheet of blue printer paper and smiled at the irony of the situation. 'Whelp, looks like I found the signup sheets.'

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