Chapter 9: Juliet

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Amity's Perspective:

The next day had arrived far sooner than Amity anticipated, and as the sun had begun to rise in the Boiling Isles that morning, the green-haired witch wanted nothing more than to disappear beneath a bundle of bed sheets for as long as possible. She considered faking sick a number of times but eventually decided against the idea. She was going to have to rehearse with Luz at some point or another. Last night, she had read over the script about a hundred times, flushing tremendously the moment she'd merely grazed over any kiss scene, not to mention all of the obviously very romantic parts leading up to just that. "Mittens! You're gonna be late for school idiot hurry up!" The sudden vocalization that tore down the hall from downstairs sent Amity flying. Mittens stood to her feet curtly and dusted herself off with a grumpy sigh, collecting her belongings before making her way downstairs. The first of the twins to notice the flushed red in which took over the teen's complexion was Emira. Getting a kick out of the situation she released a snarky chuckle before throwing her arm around her little sister's shoulders. "Sorry if I scared ya Mittens" she ambushed Amity with a playful noogie before being shoved away by the stubborn young witch. "You did not!" Amity frantically smoothed her hair back, worried that her hours of work straightening it had gone to mush. The ruckus had quickly summoned the second of the blight twins to enter the vicinity, sporting a curious smirk along his maw. Edric strode into the room mischievously but was briskly shot down by Am's threatening stare. It was now evident to the twins that their sibling had a lot on her plate today, and was not willing to put up with their affectionate teasing. They took the hint and made an initiative not to cause any hassle on their morning walk to Hexside.

As she and her siblings approached the school, Amity's bratty stubbornness was quickly softened the second that Luz had come into view. The human was merely tearing up from laughter at one of Willow's jokes, but it was enough to make the green-haired witch's heart soar. She would admittedly be more than happy to simply watch the adorable spectacle from afar for hours. Ed & Em disappeared into the crowd of students outside the entrance to Hexside while Amity remained frozen still, smiling warmly at the scene. Suddenly, Luz turned her head unexpectedly in Amity's direction, almost as if she could feel her admirers' amber gaze locked onto her. Petrified, Amity made an attempt to act as though she had only just now spotted her Human friend. "Luz! Hi!" her voice cracked slightly. The human lit up instantly at the sound of Am's voice, waving and gesturing for her to come over. Acknowledging her offer, the young lass hesitantly made her way towards the group of lovable misfits. Luz's face was still red from laughing. Either that, or she was blushing. It was admittedly very hard for Amity to tell in this situation, especially when being distracted by a number of other thoughts and feelings. All she could think about was that damn kiss scene. Her curiosity kept betraying her with accidental glances at the human girl's soft lips. Luz seemed to be none the wiser, taking absolutely zero notice to the subtle mannerisms in which Amity performed. "You up for rehearsal still?" Amity had taken a moment to recover before finally replying, "What? I mean yeah! Of course! Yeah!" I'm such a wreck... She thought miserably. Willow and Gus exchanged a curious smirk. Luz's rambling had honestly just been a replicant of the adults' in Charlie Brown.

The day raced its way out of Amity's grasp like a hare on the run, so when it came time for her and Luz to head back to Eda's place and rehearse, the young witch was very mentally unprepared...

"We can practice up in my room so Eda and King don't bother us" Luz chuckled as she fell in step next to Amity after getting briefly distracted by a purple bug for the thousandth time. It took nearly every inch of Amity's being to remain cool, "Yeah, that sounds like a good plan" she smiled jokingly and furrowed her brow. Are we going to kiss today? Amity bit her lip to prevent herself from blurting out the obnoxious question. Even if she did however, Luz probably wouldn't even notice. A sudden silence grew between the pair as they arrived at The Owl House, which was soon to be broken by high-pitched manic laughter. The door slammed open, causing Hooty to emit an irritated screech of pain. Seconds later, King scrambled toward Luz and Amity giggling evilly, "MY MINIONS! WELCOME!". Luz rolled her eyes sarcastically and scooped up the tiny terror like a baby. Amity's chest filled with an instant heap of butterflies at the adorableness displayed in front of her and unintentionally gave way to the biggest smile. "How's your day been terrifying demon?" Luz teased and tickled King on the tip of his muzzle. "Oh Luz, that is a story for another time. I have other important and DEVIOUS matters I must tend to" He scoffed. The human girl snorted with laughter, "Very well, have fun Lil' buddy!" she placed the scruffy lil' dude down gently and he scampered off chaotically in mere seconds. Amity had been to Luz's house before a couple of times, but despite this, for some reason, she just couldn't shake away the nerves that built up within her every time she'd entered this vicinity. "Eda isn't gonna be home for a little while" Noceda reported. This made Am feel all the more awkward than she already had.

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