Chapter 4: Audition Prep

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Luz's Perspective

When Amity mumbled the words "I'll do it" to her probing question, Luz was admittedly caught off guard. She honestly just invited the young witch to join her because she saw it as a nice opportunity to spend more time with her, but if she were to be completely honest she didn't really think Am's had it in her! The thought of engaging in such an amusing junket was enough to make the dorky brunette squeal, which seemed to startle poor Amity. Luz quickly collected herself and grabbed Amity's hand before leading her toward the theatre hall of Hexside. She felt the green-haired witch go stiff the second she made physical contact, followed by a heap of word vomit. "L-Luz you don't need to hold my hand, I-I know where the auditions are, I mean you can if you want I guess but like, you don't have to, I'm not forcing you to or anything-" Luz tried to push aside her friends chaotic rambling but deep down, she just felt sorry. This was a perfect example of one of Amity's panicked moments. Was she really that terrified of Luz? The human had done so much to prove herself as trustworthy and safe but it seemed the witch had only taken tremendous steps backward in terms of their progress. Luz was going to have to pull Amity aside one day and really talk about all of this, but not now. For now, she had to focus on the audition. 

"Here we are, Ma'am." Luz bowed awkwardly before holding open the door in a jokingly gentleman-like manner. The presence of crickets seemed to hypothetically echo along the walls of the room when the pair had realized the pathetic show of participants. The actors presented were just enough to be able to count on one's fingers. "Whelp." Amity sighed "Looks like there aren't enough people! What a shame..." She quickly turned before Luz caught hold of her sleeve at the last moment and dragged the flustered witch girl back to her side. "Wait" Luz bit her bottom lip nervously as she frantically peered around the area in search of a solution. Finally, the shuffle of approaching footsteps drew her attention towards a group of about ten Hexside students entering through the other set of doors on the opposite side of the theatre. "Aha! Now we've got enough people for sure!" Luz glanced over at Amity, beaming with anticipation.

After getting settled in the rehearsal room right backstage, Luz pulled out her phone and eagerly scrolled through Spotify. "So we've gotta choose a song, and a line from this audition sheet." She gestured to the folded sheet of paper in her pocket. The human hardly took notice of the bright shade of red present in her peripheral line of vision. Amity mumbled shyly, "You mean like, a song to sing? In front of people?" Luz accessed her playlist titled 'Karaoke' and shuffled through the options. "Yep!" she replied nonchalantly. "Oh, cool." Amity's tone was unreadable, as was her overall opinion on this whole fiasco. Obviously, she was anxious as hell, but that wouldn't be out of the ordinary for first-time auditions. And besides, why would she agree to do this if she really didn't want to? A tinge of guilt swept over Luz when she considered the fact that she might be forcing her friend into doing this. "Hey um, Amity, are you really really really sure you want to do this?" She departed her chocolatey gaze from her phone and met the witch-girls hazel irises. Silence struck the pair for a number of heartbeats, causing Luz to miserably assume the most probable answer to the situation.  She must have betrayed a hint of her inner disappointment, as Amity seemed to find difficulty in holding eye contact with the human. "I said I wanted to do it didn't I?" Luz felt the wound of guilt being dipped in vinegar. "Amity-" "Luz, it's okay. I want to do this with you." She finally met the human's eyes with a comforting smile, which unsuspectingly sent an odd tingle up Luz's spine and filled her with an unknown, giddy feeling. What the hell is happening right now? Auditions have never made me this nervous before... What's wrong with me? 

Pushing aside the bizarre sensation, Luz blinked a couple of times before nodding silently and awkwardly turning her attention back on to her playlist. "So umm, you see any songs you like?" Amity hesitated before leaning in closer to Luz to get a clearer look at her options. "Who's Girl In Red?" she queried curiously. Luz could not believe her ears "We will definitely have to have this discussion some other time Blight, my oh my am I disappointed." The round-eared teen teased her affectionately, shaking her head in a humorously dramatic manner. Amity giggled warmly at the quirky remark, which made Luz beam with elation. 

The pair took a couple more minutes before they had each decided on their songs and began to prepare for the long-awaited audition. Both girls were tingling from head-to-toe with anxiety, though both for very different reasons...

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