Chapter 8: Romeo

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Luz's Perspective:

The shocking words that echoed along Luz's cranium sent her heart thundering. She didn't know how to feel about this, and she wouldn't dare to glance in Amity's direction to see her reaction. What quirky remark would save the brunette dork from the tension now? Luz was so used to impulsively blurting out something stupid to lighten the mood whenever things got quiet, but this time, the silence in which the two had shared at this moment had most definitely won the battle. "Congrats" one of the senior Hexside students murmured, tucked shyly behind some of her much taller classmates. "Thanks" Luz hid her exasperation with a curt grin before turning her attention back to the speakers on stage.

Soon, the students began to rise from their seats and filter out of the theatre. Luz and Amity remained still. "Uh girls, you won't have to return until next week, you're free to go for now" one of the judges exclaimed. Luz nodded aggressively, her maw still shut tightly. She began to head toward the exit but felt that the space beside her was empty as the flustered tomato of a witch was still frozen in shock. Luz backtracked quickly and grasped Amity's wrist, tugging her out of the auditorium with her. The green-haired lass bit her bottom lip anxiously before finally snapping back into reality and catching her step next to Luz, causing the human to release an awkward chuckle at the disastrous situation. "So... You know what Romeo and Juliet is about, right?" Luz queried in an attempt to break the silence. The question seemed to only intensify Amity's blushing and her eyes widened. "Uh- y-yes?" she stuttered. Luz had initially blurted out this question in particular because she wasn't quite sure if the Boiling Isles was in favour of the same exact Shakespeare, (after all, the ladybugs here were purple for Christ's sake!) But after a couple of heartbeats, the human realized that this was, in fact, the stupidest possible thing to say at this very moment. Despite this, Luz proceeded to allow the idiotic words to escape her jaws before she even had the chance to ponder them first. "I'm Romeo, you're Juliet" No shit Sherlock... The brunette felt the humiliating aftertaste of her dumb comments echoing along her hollow skull. Why the hell was this making her feel so uneasy? It was only Amity after all... So what was it that was making her thoughts so anarchic?

Luz knew one thing was for certain, she couldn't let this silly ordeal get in the way of her mission to make Amity feel more comfortable around her again. And if the human were to accomplish this goal, she had to push aside her own strange feelings and act normal.

Luz scooped up a deep breath and released a sigh in an attempt to gain a sudden drop of confidence. "Amity, this is so cool, we got the main roles! We should rehearse the script tonight!" She successfully masked her nervousness with a warm grin and some painfully enthusiastic gestures. Amity's amber irises darkened with faint trepidation, and her complexion grew pale "Right, yeah about that, I-I have to uh... Well, I'm busy after school today so I can't, sorry" Luz  pouted unknowingly before more word vomit escaped the flustered witch's lungs, "B-but I'm free tomorrow!" She smiled awkwardly, clicking the toe of her boot against the tile floor. Immediately after Amity's follow-up response, Luz lit up and surprised her friend with a tight hug, their cheeks touching from their closeness. Both girls could feel each other's skin temperature grow hot from the abrupt tension built, which caused the human to release and recoil shyly. Amity took a moment to regain consciousness from her intense gay panic before finally breaking the silence. "W-well I'll see you later then Luz!" she stumbled over her words as she started down the hallway in the opposite direction from the human. The witch didn't know it, but Luz could have sworn she'd caught a glimpse of Amity grinning warmly as she turned her head away. 

"So I'm Romeo... Huh..." Luz reminded herself, still in slight disbelief of the events that took place that afternoon.


Hey guys! Sorry, this chapter is pretty short :/... I wanted to give you guys a quick teaser before continuing on with the next part as I figured I had been taking a little too long. I am still writing away of course so please stay tuned! :) Thanks again for all of your support guys<3 It means a lot to me, really. :)

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