Horse Movies

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Blitzo walked into a dimly lit alley way wearing dark, unnecessary sunglasses and a trench coat; his hands in the side pockets.  Octavia walked in from the other direction.

"Why are we meeting here? You literally could have just texted me." 

"Sh! sh! shh!  We can't risk being seen!"  Blitzo hissed, looking behind his back for prying eyes.

"Whatever.  Let's hurry this up."

"Alright, what's the update on Stolas?"

"He's denying the the fact that there could be something someone couldn't like about you."  Via reported.

"He's not wrong about that."  Blitzo ran his hand over his head as if he was slicking back his nonexistent hair.

"Yeah sure.. I guess..  Anyway, I've been trying to turn him against you but nothing's sticking.  I told you this wouldn't work."

"Don't give up on me now! It's only been a few days!"  Blitzo pleaded.

"Give it a rest Blitzo! You're just holding onto false hope!  This isn't going to work!"  And with that Octavia turned away and walked off.

"Mini-Stolas! Wait!"  Blitzo yelled.
"God Damnit!  What the fuck am I gonna do now?!"

"Are you fucking kidding me?"  A voice from the end of the alley spoke.

"Uhh hey Angie.. what- uh- what bring you here?"

"You're seriously obsessing over the bird bitch again?!"

"Well.. no, not exactly.."  Blitzo started. Angel grabbed him by the wrist and pulled him out of the lane. "Where are we going?"

"To the club."

"What? Why?"

"Because.  You need to get your mind off of Stolas and I need to get my mind off of life in general."

You could hear the rave music from two blocks away and the bright flashing lights emitted from the building could be enough to give anyone a whole ass seizure.

After dancing, singing, and a helluva lot of booze later a big wealthy looking moth demon began walking towards Angel Dust.

"Oh fuck.."  Angel whispered.

"Who's the rat guy?"  Blitzo asked, taking another shot of some bright blue drink (he didn't really know or care what it was).

Angel sighed. "He's my boss.. he's a complete asshole."

"That's the beauty of being your own boss, you don't gotta take shit from assholes like that."

"Angel Baby! My favorite employee! Fancy seeing you here!" Angie's boss beamed. Though he had a sort of sinister smile made him look as if he was luring a lamb to the slaughter.

Angel obviously got very apprehensive.. that of which never happens as far as Blitzo has seen.
"Uh, hey Val. I thought you were working tonight.."

"I'm here on business." Valentino replied, leaning in. "Can I join you and your friend for a drink?"

"Uhm.. well we'd love that but we were just leaving." Angel grabbed Blitzo by the hand, knocking over a few drinks in the process and rushed out of the building.

"What was that all about?" Blitzo asked once they were out of the building.

"It's nothing.. let's just go back to the hotel.."

Blitzo could have sworn he saw tears in Angel's eyes.
"Hey, are you-"

"I'm fine. Don't worry about it."

It was a long and silent walk to the hotel. Neither of them really knew what to say let alone had anything to say.

Walking into the dusty, rundown building Blitzo decided to just start talking and see where it went from there even though he had no idea what he was planing on saying.
"Look, Angie... I'm not the best with emotions and all that crap but if you wanna talk to me you can.."

"Thanks Blitzy.. that means a lot."

Blitzo awkwardly patted Angel on the shoulder but he pulled him into a hug which shocked Blitzo at first but he quickly registered what was happening and hugged him back.

"Alright, fuck this sappy shit; do you wanna hang out here tonight?"  Angel asked.

"I guess I could clear my very busy schedule." Blitzo joked.

Angel sniffed and whipped his tears.
"Good to know I'm a priority." He laughed.

The rest of the night Blitzo and Angel ate popcorn and watched movies for hours. Blitzo begged to keep watching horse-themed movies like Spirit and Black Beauty but he eventually agreed to only watching a few. It was a nice change of pace from Angel's usual night at the club or at Valentino's place...

At one point Angel held onto Blitzo's hand. They both started wondering if they were really "fake dating" anymore..

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