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There was a ring from the door bell of Stolas' palace at 10 o'clock sharp. The tall owl demon practically skipped to the door only wearing a red satin robe that was barely covering anything that needed to be covered.  But what else was new?
"Ah, Blitzy. Come in, come in. It's been a while since your last visit."

"Yeah there's a reason for that.." Blitzo muttered as he hesitantly stepped inside.

"Why don't you make yourself comfortable while I... set the mood~" Stolas gestured to a blue and gold couch. He took out a box of matches and lit all of his candles.

"Son of a bitch.." Blitzo whispered.  He sat awkwardly on the sofa, not knowing what to do with himself.

"I've awaited this night for so long Blitzy~ And finally the time has come... and so shall I~" He purred.

"OKAY! Let's maybe stop talking now!"

"You're right! Let us waste no more time!"

"Yeah, yeah let's just get this shit over with.."

It was a long night for Blitzo... Stolas on the other hand wanted it to last a lifetime.  After a while (or what seemed like a while) Stolas finally fell asleep so of course Blitzo went to go snooping.
He's always wondered about a specific locked cabinet in the far corner of the owl demon's room.
Why was it locked?
It was probably just boring princely shit or something... but if it wasn't then he'd be missing out..
He made sure Stolas was still sleeping and looked around for the key which ended up to be in his underwear drawer.

"Ha! Dumb ass." Blitzo snickered as he went to unlock the mysterious wardrobe.  "Bingo!" He silently celebrated once he got the doors open.
His excitement quickly turned into mixed emotions that included disgust, fear, and concern.. though he was not surprised.

"What the fuck? What the actual fuck?!" He didn't quite know how to react..
"Why did I expect anything less?" The Imp asked as he stared, dumbfounded at a huge shrine of himself.

There were pictures of him that he didn't even know existed, old posters that read, "The Incredible Blitzo!", and even pictures that Stolas actually drew of him. Some with himself in them as well (The drawings sucked).

On the bright side the second grimoire was in the cabinet as well. He grabbed the book and ran out of the palace much like the first time only he didn't fall into a cake in the middle of Stella's tea party.

He got out just in time; only moments later Stolas began to wake up.
Opening his eyes to his originally locked cabinet being opened caused him a mini heart attack.
"Oh no.." Stolas began in shock. He shot up out of bed and ran to slam the shrine doors close. "Nonononono! Shit!"

Once out of Stolas's view point Blitzo took out his phone to call Angel Dust.
"Blitzo. It is three in the morning." Angel's voice complained sleepily.

"I need you to pick me up."

"Why?" He whined.

"I'll tell you when you get here but right now I need to get out of this deranged fuck-o's house."

"Alright, alright. I'm comin'."

Blitzo stood outside in the cold, half naked for about an hour waiting for Angel to arrive.
Finally a limousine pulled up in front of him with Angel, Charlie, and Vaggie inside.

Blitzo stepped inside.
"Took you long enough! What's with the fancy ass limo?"

"I don't have a car so I had to borrow this." Angel answered.

"Who're the chicks?" Blitzo gestured to the girls.

"I think we've met before, you were on a horse at the hotel right?" Charlie asked.

"He was on a what?" Vaggie put it.

"Oh yeah! Her name's Body Pillow!"

"I thought her name was Tupperware.." Angel added.

"Eh, I wasn't feeling it anymore."

"Alright... uhm.. I'm Vaggie."


"That's what I said!!"

"Oh god there's two of them.." Vaggie groaned.

"What she means is, it's nice to meet you!" Charlie beamed.

Vaggie crossed her arms. "Yeah.... sure."

Angel Dust turned to Blitzo. "So why'd we have to come and get ya'?"
He cringed at the thought and told everyone what had happened.

Everyone was pretty much speechless afterwards.
"What. The. Fuck." Was all that they could say about the experience with Stolas.

"Yeah so he's a fucking creep.. I mean I new he was obsessed with me but I didn't know it was this bad."

* * *

After Blitzo's... eventful night (so to say) he spent the rest of his time at the hotel with Angel.

"So were there any freaky stuff in there?" Angel asked as he wiggled his eyebrows.


"In the cabinet. Any sex toys?"

Blitzo almost spit out his drink. "Uhh not as far as I saw.."

"Aww boo! Vanilla ass bitch."

"Ha, you would think."

"So he is kinky." Angel said, looking much more intrigued.

"Well he- wait I am not having this conversation with you."

"Ugh you're boring!"

"Yeah yeah. What do you wanna do?"
Angel thought for a few seconds. Then he got an idea and gave Blitzo an excited and slightly mischievous smile. 
"Oh no, no, no I do not trust that look at all."

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