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It was Christmas Eve. Snow was falling down on Remus' head as he walked up to the front door of the Tonks family. He knocked and crossed his fingers in his pockets as he waited. Within seconds however the door was flung open. Tonks flew at him, wrapped her arms around him and kissed him. Remus kissed her back, lifting her off the floor. As they broke apart Remus looked down to a bump on his wife's stomach. His eyes teared up, he smiled down at his wife. "I'm so sorry." he said. "I know why you did it. And I knew you'd come back." Tonks replied. "I love you Dora." Remus said. "I love you too." she said happily. Remus grinned and Tonks took his hand and pulled him inside. 

The front door closed behind them and Tonks pulled off Remus' cloak, hanging it with the others next to the door. Tonks took his hand again and they walked into the sitting room, where Andromeda was sitting next to the fire. She saw Remus and hurried to give him a hug and a kiss on the cheek. 

They all sat down, drinking tea and talking. Remus apologised over and over, one hand holding his mug of tea, his other arm around Tonks. As the night went on Tonks snuggled down into his chest and Remus put a protective hand over her stomach and kissed the top of her head. 

The next morning Remus woke up early, beside his sleeping wife. He kissed her cheek and rolled out of bed, before going over to the chest of drawers. All his clothes were still in the drawers, his favourite sweater wasn't there however. It was then that he noticed Tonks was wearing it. Remus smiled to himself and pulled a different sweater over his bare chest, before going downstairs and making mugs of hot chocolate. 

He put them down on the coffee table and went to wake the rest of the family. Then they sat by the fire, drinking hot chocolate and opening presents. Remus couldn't stop smiling and the smile only grew larger whenever he looked at his wife. 

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