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Sirius sat in his dark sitting room, his feet up on the table, a bottle of beer clutched in his hand, making various items fly around the small room with his wand. As he drained the bottle the feeling of unease increased. Peter's face floated into Sirius' mind. It was ten at night, 31st October, Halloween.

Unable to take it anymore Sirius got up and slammed the empty bottle down onto the table. Tucking his wand into his pocket, he left his house, swung his leg onto his black bike, and the engine roared into life. His long, dark hair whipped behind him as he drove through the quiet street. On the corner of the road several teenagers sat in a group, smoking and laughing. Sirius passed them by without a glance.

After a few minutes he turned into James and Lily's road, Sirius drove past a few Muggle houses, nothing looked different. Then his eyes fell on their house, windows smashed and the house half falling down. Sirius leapt off his bike, pulled out his wand and sprinted into the house, the hall was quiet and dark. He hurtled into the sitting room, James' wand lay on the couch. "PRONGS!" Sirius yelled, his voice cracking. Nobody replied, straining his ears however Sirius heard distant crying. His heart leapt, he bounded back into the hallway and turned to climb the stairs.

He felt as though all his insides had turned to ice, he stood frozen, his foot on the bottom step, his whole world suddenly broken. There James lay, his friend, his brother, his life. Sirius let out a gasp of pain mixed with a sob and dropped to his knees, clutching at James. He then heard the cry again, louder this time.

Sirius scrambled to his feet and sprinted up the stairs, turning into Harry's room. Lily lay upon the floor, just like James. Miraculously however Harry sat in his cot, his nose running, his face wet with tears. He held out his arms as if wanting to be held and Sirius obliged. He stepped carefully over Lily, his heart breaking into a thousand pieces and lifted Harry out of the cot.

Godfather and godson cried together, Harry playing with Sirius' hair, Sirius clutching at Harry, shaking uncontrollably. Over Harry's messy hair through the window Sirius spotted Hagrid hurrying towards the house. Sirius hurried back downstairs, refusing to look at the bodies he passed. Hagrid stood in the hallway, sobbing. "Sirius. Here pass Harry over." Hagrid said gruffly, taking Harry from Sirius and putting a large arm around Sirius' shoulder. Sirius and Hagrid cried for several minutes together, Hagrid telling Sirius comforting things. "Here Hagrid, give Harry to me. I'm his godfather." Sirius said. "Can' do that Sirius. Got me orders from Dumbledore, Harry has to go to 'is Aunt and Uncle's." Hagrid said. Sirius clenched his jaw, nodding and ruffled up Harry's hair. Together they left the crumbling house. "Here Hagrid, take my bike, get Harry there safely. I won't need it anymore." Sirius said. "You sure 'bout that Sirius. You love this bike." Hagrid replied. "Take it." Sirius said. Harry smiled at Sirius as Hagrid started the engine. Sirius attempted to smile back. He watched Hagrid speed away on his bike, several people had left their houses to see what was happening. Just then somebody rounded the corner. Sirius felt his body burst with anger, it raged through him like a fire.

Peter was crying. "Lily and James Sirius. How could you?" Peter shouted in between sobs. Sirius growled, so much like a dog. "I never would have believed it was you all along Pettigrew." Sirius said. He reached for his wand, ready to avenge his true family. Before he could do anything however the street exploded, Muggles watching fell dead on the ground, Peter disappeared, there was blood on the ground where he had been standing, and a finger. Sirius lunged as a little rat scurried into the gutter. 

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