The Eventful Full Moon

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   It was the summer holidays between fourth and fifth year. The full moon was approaching and Remus was scared. The last few months had been worse, deeper scars, more painful transformations and louder howls. Remus was writing a letter to Lily. James, Sirius and Peter truly tried their hardest, but they were better for cheering him up once he'd already got the scars, whereas Remus had always talked to Lily about the hard stuff.

The first night of the full moon was fine, much like every other night. The second was slightly more painful, the third was alright but the fourth was the worst. Remus woke up, pale and shaking on the floor of the basement. He staggered to his feet and went upstairs. His bare chest was bleeding, as was his face. His mother screamed softly and pulled him to the couch, laying him down. She waved her wand over his wounds and they closed. Remus breathed deeply and slowly as his mother siphoned off all the blood with her wand. They were left with a large scar down Remus' face and two long scars down his chest. Just then the doorbell rang. Remus pulled a blanket up to his chin to hide his new scar as his mother answered the door. "Hello, I'm Lily Evans, a friend of Remus'." he heard a voice say. Remus jumped up and ran to the door. "Remus!" Lily squealed, hugging him tightly. Mrs. Lupin shut the door and Remus pulled Lily over to the couch. Lily looked sadly at Remus' scars. "I'm alright." he said before she could ask, then he pulled on a shirt to cover the worst of the scarring on his body. She laughed, slightly sadly and patted him on the hand.

"Oh, yeah, by the way James is coming round for lunch." Remus said, a few hours later as they sat on the couch watching a Muggle movie. "What?" Lily asked. "Yeah, he should be here in a few minutes." Remus replied. "Oh, um, shall I-?" she gestured towards the door. "Don't worry about it Lily, I'm sure James will love that you're here." Remus replied teasingly. Lily gave him a shove.

A minute later when Lily was still tossing with the idea of staying or going the front door was flung open and James bounded in. He hugged Remus' mother, shook hands with his father, turned to Remus then noticed Lily. His jaw dropped. "So, uh, so, so you're here Lily. Um, hi, hey, uh, how's it going?" James said, stuttering and tripping over his words. Remus sniggered in the corner, James shot him a look that shut him up instantly. "Yeah, I just wanted to come and see how Remus was, after the full moon you know." Lily said. "Oh that's nice of you, really nice of you." James said. Lily smiled. Mrs. Lupin patted James on the shoulder. "James has been coming to visit Remus at the end of the full moon since the summer holidays of second year." she said. "Aww, that's really sweet." Lily said, and she smiled brightly at James, leaving his stomach to pop out of existence and then she went into the kitchen to help with lunch. James turned to Remus, who laughed at James' expression. "Why the hell is she in your house?" he asked him. "You know Lily's my friend, she doesn't hate all of us." Remus said, laughing. James scowled and shoved Remus.

That day was the first time James really got to talk to Lily. She wasn't too pissed off with him because he was really nice towards Remus, Remus' family and to Lily. He made jokes and didn't even mention Severus, he was too busy pouring pumpkin juice for everyone and chatting to Mr. Lupin about work.

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