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   "I'm going to do it. I have to. I love her. It's time." James paced his living room, Sirius, Remus and Peter all squashed onto the couch, their eyes following him as he walked. "I say go for it Prongs." Remus said. "It's not as easy as that." James said, running his fingers through his hair. "Sure it is, just kneel down and pop the question." Sirius said. James scowled at him. "Ok, I've got an idea. Why don't I take her to that little clearing, in the forest near Hogsmeade? You know the one we discovered during the full moon? Think how many memories we've made there." James said excitedly.

"Come with me Evans." James said, taking her hands in his. With a crack they Disapperated and arrived in the village of Hogsmeade. Without a word James took Lily's hand and pulled her along a winding path leading through the forest. James stopped in a green, leafy clearing with a trickling stream and chirping birds. Lily gazed at it, it was beautiful. When she turned around James was on one knee behind her. She clapped her hands to her mouth. "Lily Evans, will you make me the happiest wizard in the world and agree to becoming my wife? Accio!" James said, causing a small box flying towards him. It landed in the middle of his palm and the lid automatically opened. "Yes, yes James Potter, I will marry you." Lily said, dropping to her knees as well and kissing James.

"Told you it was easy James." Sirius said, a grin on his face, leaning against a nearby tree trunk. James scowled, Sirius winked. Lily laughed. "Congratulations by the way." Sirius said, dropping his humor and becoming suddenly serious. "I always knew you two were the ones for each other. Ever since James got Bat-Bogey hexed for the very first time." he added, placing a hand over his heart. James rolled his eyes then hugged Sirius, a massive smile on his face. "Thanks Padfoot." James said. "No, I'm Sirius." Sirius said. James, Lily and Sirius all laughed, then Lily hugged Sirius as well. "Oh Lily, by the way, you're not just marrying James, you're marrying me too." Sirius said as they walked back towards Hogsmeade, where Remus and Peter were waiting to celebrate. He snuck in between James and Lily and put his arms around their shoulders. James grinned at Lily and leant over Sirius to kiss her. "Uh, yuck. This is definitely the last time I'm going to crash someone's engagement." Sirius said, ducking out from their arms and backing away.

They walked back into the village and Sirius led them into the Three Broomsticks. Remus and Peter were sitting at a table waiting for them, glasses and a few bottles of mead ready. Remus hugged James and Lily, told Sirius off for interrupting their engagement and poured everyone glasses of mead. "James and Lily." Remus said, raising his glass. Everyone drank and James smiled at Lily, totally in love.

That night once Peter, Remus and Sirius had finally left their house Lily and James were sitting on the couch, James' arm around Lily comfortably, Lily lying on James' chest. "Can I tell you something?" Lily asked. "Sure." James replied. "My Patronus is a doe." she said. "You mean a deer?" James asked. "Yes." Lily replied. James' insides turned cold then suddenly warm and filled with love. He jumped up, picked Lily up and spun on the spot, kissing Lily with all the passion inside him.

The next day at six o'clock in the morning Sirius marched through the front door without knocking, poured himself a cup of coffee and flopped down in the sitting room with that morning's edition of the Daily Prophet. Lily and James sat on the stairs, watching him. "What's he doing in our house?" Lily whispered as Sirius flicked through a photo album from the shelf. "I dunno but you've got to love it." James said with a grin. He kissed Lily, jumped up and hurried into the sitting room. "Prongsie!" Sirius said, pulling James in for a hug. Lily rolled her eyes, laughed to herself and followed James.

"There you are Sirius." Remus said, a few hours later, pulling off his cloak and rolling his eyes. "He arrived at six in the morning." Lily said. "Sorry Lily, he's hard to control." Remus said, hugging Lily. She laughed. "Peter arrived a few minutes ago, they're all in the dining room." Lily said.

In the dining room James was changing the cat's fur's colour with a flick of his wand. Peter laughed as the fur changed from green to purple. "Honestly Prongs, that would be very impressive - if we were in third year." Sirius said sarcastically, taking a swig from his butterbeer and rocking on the back legs of his chair. Remus walked in with a bowl of roast potatoes and just then with a bang one of the chair legs broke and Sirius found himself on the floor. Remus and Peter laughed but James pulled Sirius up, replaced the broken chair leg and said "Honestly Sirius, you do that about once a week, don't you learn anything from experience?" "No." Sirius replied with his usual barklike laugh and another swig from his bottle of butterbeer.

That afternoon once Peter had gone home and Remus had gone to show Lily something from the Prophet James decided to ask. "Oi Padfoot?" he asked, prodding Sirius with his foot. "Mm?" Sirius said, waking from a nap. "I need a best man." James said. "I dunno, put an advertisement in the Daily Prophet or something." Sirius said grumpily, still half asleep. "No you idiot, I need a best man for my wedding. And I want you." James said. "Ohhh. Yeah that makes sense." Sirius said, still confused. "Honestly, just go back to sleep then." James said, rolling his eyes. Before he'd even finished his sentence however Sirius gave a loud snore. 

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