Just a Glimpse

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   Remus stumbled up the stairs, remembering James carrying Lily down them after their wedding, after climbing them with Sirius and a drunk James and remembering Sirius rolling down twelve steps and smashing his head into the wall. He could barely think of what Sirius had done, of what he used to think of him. In James and Lily's room there were a few various letters from Sirius, Peter and himself. James' enchanted mirror that he used to talk to Sirius was sitting on the table. Remus tucked it into his pocket, thinking that he should one day show it to Harry. He then moved on to Harry's room, there was the teddy stag, dog and wolf all in a corner of the room as though they could watch over him.

The bodies had been moved, thank god, Remus didn't want to look at them. He had heard early on November 1st, Sirius had betrayed Lily and James and murdered Peter. It didn't seem right. Remus didn't want to believe it but he knew he had to.

Remus had to figure everything out with the burial. He and Dumbledore organised it and a small funeral was put on. Remus sat in the front row, crying like he'd never cried before. Most of the Hogwarts teachers were there, Bathilda Bagshot, Pettigrews mother, but not many others. Remus wished he could have the world there to honour two of the best people to walk the Earth.

He moved back into the house he and Sirius had lived in. He packed up everything that belonged to Sirius and put it up in the attic. He tidied up a bit and filled a box with things to remind him of his friends, and things he would one day give to Harry.

Sirius was locked up for good and Remus still couldn't believe he could've done it. Remus struggled on, for the next few years, jumping from job to job, trying to find work and money.

Then eight years after his best friends had died and his boyfriend had been arrested, Remus decided he needed to see the last thing of his family he had. He Apparated to Little Whinging and walked around, eventually finding Number Four, Privet Drive. There wasn't a face in a window or a voice from the garden, and so Remus went to the nearest cafe to collect himself.

He bought a coffee and sat down at a table in the corner. The bell by the door rang and Remus looked up. His jaw dropped. There was his boy, wearing clothes that hung off of him five sizes too big, his cousin kicked his shin as they walked in, he had broken glasses on, the same type of glasses as his father. In fact Harry looked just like his father, same hair, same face, same everything, except his eyes, they were Lily's. Remus looked back down at his coffee, trying not to stare, but how couldn't he stare when Harry James Potter was sitting at the table next to him. He was getting bullied by his cousin and Remus' fist clenched on his mug but he knew he mustn't do anything.

He finished his coffee and got up, looking for the last time in a while at Harry. Harry looked up too and a flicker of recognition crossed his face. Remus smiled happily, lovingly, proudly at him and Harry grinned back, Remus hadn't seen someone grin so much like James Potter before. 

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