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Harry's birthday passed, Bathilda Bagshot came around and Harry seemed to enjoy it. Harry got a toy broomstick from Sirius and James was a bit too enthusiastic about it.

All they could do was write, because Sirius, Remus and Peter were going on more and more missions and everything was more and more dangerous, so they couldn't visit very often. Unfortunately, all of the Marauders were away for Harry's birthday, which was sad.

Here are a few letters from James and Sirius to each other:

Dear James, Lily and Harry of course,

I hope things are going all right. I might be able to pop in sometime next week, but Moony is on some secret work that Dumbledore gave him. Wormtail said that he's coming by to visit on Sunday, he asked me to tell you. He's been acting quiet lately, I think he's scared by the prospects of the war, and who can blame him? How's Harry going on his new broom? I can't wait to see how talented he is at Quidditch, just like his father eh James? Moony says it'll be too dangerous to write until he gets back from wherever he is, he should be back next Sunday so he will come by I expect.

Stay safe,

Love Padfoot.

Dear Padfoot,

Hey mate, Harry is a right little Quidditch player. I've tested him out and he's pretty good with a bat and a Quaffle but he's the best with Seeking. He can already catch it when I throw pieces of fruit at him, although Lily says I should wait until he's older before I throw things at him. What do you think? Wormtail did swing by on Sunday, he definitely seems down. I tried to ask him about it but he changed the subject. Hopefully this will all be over soon. Luckily I can sneak outside with the Invisibility Cloak, otherwise I'd be going mental. I swear Lily's reading more books than Moony at the moment, I never thought that was possible. Talking about Moony when I saw him the other day he was very tired, maybe don't visit him for a few days, just so he has time to rest up. I know being apart must be awful for you two. I'm available on the mirrors all day tomorrow and hopefully Harry's in the mood for some Quidditch!

Love Prongs, Lily and Harry.

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