Christmas in the Castle

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Before long Christmas was upon them. Sirius and James had decided to stay at Hogwarts for Christmas, instead of returning to the Potters. There was a dance on Christmas Eve, so many people were staying. Remus, Peter and Lily had also decided to stay at school over the break. Once the holidays began James spent every second either hiding away with Lily, hanging out with his friends, or both. This particular evening James and Sirius were playing wizard chess, Remus was examining the Marauders Map, Peter was watching James and Sirius and Lily was lying along the couch, her head resting comfortably in James' lap. Before long the conversation turned to the upcoming ball. "Are you going to the dance Sirius?" Lily asked. "Why, do you want to go with him?" James asked, faking sadness, but grinning. "Shut up, Potter. I've got my Prince Charming already." Lily said, but this didn't have the effect she'd obviously planned for. "Who's Prince Charming?" James asked. "Forget it, it's a Muggle thing. Anyway I was just making conversation." Lily said. James shrugged and whispered something into Lily's ear which made her pull him down and kiss her. "Anyway, getting back to the point." Sirius said. "I think spending a night in with Remus is much more fun than spending an evening exercising." Sirius said matter-of-factly. "I have a date." Peter said. "Wait, what?" Sirius said, trying to hold back a laugh. Remus shot him a warning look. "She's a Hufflepuff." Peter said. Sirius couldn't hold back, he laughed his bark-like laugh and Remus smacked him over the head with the Marauders Map.

During the holidays James was having way too much fun to think about homework. The Marauders stayed up all night, eating food from the kitchens and occasionally sneaking through a passage into Hogsmeade. James also spent a considerably large amount of time with Lily, hidden away down locked corridors or in one his favourite secret passageways. 

On Christmas Eve James, Sirius, Remus and Peter slept in late. They woke up in time for lunch, which they ate in the Great Hall, then went out into the grounds. They walked around the lake and Sirius slid across the frozen surface, then complained because his favourite sweater (which was actually Remus') was all damp. Laughing, they all made their way back up to the castle, James thought they should try and sneak into the staff room, where they kept alcohol for Friday evenings. Remus and Peter decided to go back to the common room instead. Sirius whipped out the Marauders Map and made sure the room was empty before they hurried inside. James found a bottle of mead and a bottle of Firewhisky in a cupboard and tucked them into his pocket, just then however they heard footsteps outside, Sirius whispered "Mischief managed." and Filch came inside. "Well, well, well." he said. Sirius started to say "Well, well, what?" but James stamped on his foot. Sirius swore under his breath. "Turn out your pockets, both of you." Filch said. James pulled the mead out of his pocket and handed it over. "You too, Black." Filch said. "All I have is this bit of spare parchment." Sirius said in an offhand way, pulling the blank map out of his pocket. "Detention, for the both of you. On Monday evening you can help me scrub out the dungeons Potter, and you, Black, can help Madam Pince dust the books in the Restricted Section. Seven o'clock sharp, for the both of you." Filch said, he snatched the mead out of James' hand and watched them leave.

"That was good quality mead that was." Sirius said as they climbed the stairs back to Gryffindor Tower. "At least we've got this." James said, pulling the Firewhisky out of his pocket. Sirius took the bottle from James, uncorked it, took a swig and handed it back. The two of them hurried back up to their dormitory where Remus was reading a book and Peter was checking his reflection in the mirror by the door. "We got caught, looks like we've got detention on Monday." Sirius said, flopping down on the bed. "But we did manage to sneak this out." James said, raising the bottle of Firewhisky. "Ah excellent." Remus said happily picking up the Firewhisky and taking a big swig, laying back down on Sirius' chest.

At seven o'clock James pulled on his dress robes, didn't bother to try and make his hair lie flat, then helped Peter. "Come on Peter." James said at twenty five past seven. "See you." Sirius said, he didn't look at all annoyed at staying behind. "Have fun." Remus said. Sirius took another gulp of Firewhiskey and passed it to Remus as the other two left.

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