Nymphadora Tonks

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"No, I won't let you!" Remus shouted. "But you're the one I want!" Tonks replied. "I'm a bloody werewolf, you need someone young and healthy!" Remus replied. "No! I'm not giving up!" Tonks shouted back and she hurried out the door.

Remus flopped down at the table and put his head in his hands. This time Sirius wasn't coming back, and Remus needed to move on. And the only person he wanted to do that with was Tonks, but he couldn't. 

It had been about five months since Sirius' death. This was the second time the conversation had been brought up. Remus had sworn to himself that for Tonks' sake he had to stay away. 

They were in the hospital wing, beside Bill's bed. Fleur was shouting about still loving Bill. Remus was watching helplessly, until Tonks joined in. She was practically sobbing, begging Remus. He realised this wasn't going to make her happy, and it wasn't going to make him happy. With a sigh, he agreed and Tonks flew into his arms.

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