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   The night before Sirius moved out of the Potter's house they threw a party. Although it was just the Marauders and Lily, it was fun all the same. James and Sirius spent all day decorating the house and arranging snacks and drinks. At seven o'clock they went upstairs to get changed, thinking they probably shouldn't throw a party wearing hoodies and pyjama pants. James pulled on some jeans and a plain black shirt. Sirius wore black skinny jeans and a blood red buttoned up t-shirt, half tucked in and only a few buttons done so you could pretty much see his whole chest. He then pulled his black hair into a bun and sprayed on a bit of aftershave. "Moony's favourite." he said, placing the bottle back on the table. "Good idea." James replied, jumping off the end of his bed and reaching for a small but expensive bottle that Lily seemed to love.

At half past seven Remus arrived, in jeans and one of his favourite sweaters. He kissed Sirius and clapped James on the shoulder. A few minutes later Peter arrived, his hair gelled back, making him look quite handsome, with a white button up shirt and a red bowtie, but somehow he didn't look like he was at a wedding or anything, he simply looked half dressed up, half casual. Another few minutes passed and then there came a knock on the door. James made for the door but Sirius sprinted over first, pulling it open, hugging Lily and dramatically welcoming her into the house. James rolled his eyes, pushed Sirius aside with the back of his hand on his stomach and kissed Lily.

They woke up the next morning perfectly. James awoke first and looked down at the sleeping figure of Lily in his arms, hoping this is how he could wake every morning of his life. On the other side of the room, Sirius was sleeping across Remus' chest, his man bun half out, Remus with his arms around Sirius, sleeping peacefully. James decided he would make Sirius' last morning here special and slowly detached himself from Lily, managed to climb over her and off the bed, then left the room. He entered the living room downstairs where Peter was sleeping on the couch, his limbs all over the place, his bowtie tossed aside and the top few buttons of his shirt undone.

James crept closer to him and tickled his nose. Peter didn't move so James simply kept poking him until he sat up. "What the -? James? What the hell are you doing? Get off." Peter said grumpily. "C'mon Pete, you hungry?" James asked, pulling Peter to his feet and throwing an arm around his shoulders.

Peter and James were actually very good cooks, Sirius was alright, Remus was just terrible, he was never allowed in the kitchen because everytime he tried to cook it ended in disgusting food, a trashed kitchen, a blearing smoke alarm and Remus, swearing repetitively at the top of his voice.

This particular morning though, everything went well. Mr. and Mrs. Potter came downstairs around quarter past eight, Lily not long afterwards. When she saw James flipping pancakes shirtless in the kitchen she wished she could wake up every morning like this. When he noticed she was awake James handed the spatula to Peter and came over to her. He handed her a cup of tea, perfectly made and gave her a kiss. He pulled her over to the couch and sat down with her. Lily snuggled into James' muscular chest, his arms around her.

At nine the breakfast was ready. "I'll wake Moony and Padfoot. Wish me luck." James said and he climbed the stairs, and entered his bedroom. He loved how peaceful his friends looked. Sirius was lightly snoring, Remus breathing deeply. They had kicked the blankets off and lay there with their arms around each other, their heads together. James lay down between them and put his arms around them, ruffling up their hair. "Fuck off James." Remus mumbled. "Breakfasts ready." James said brightly, climbing out of the bed, making sure to half trample Sirius in the process. He then ripped back the curtains and the sunlight burst into the room. "Arghh!" Sirius yelled, and trying to shield his eyes from the light he rolled over and fell off the bed. Remus laughed and rolled over to join him on the floor, then James skidded along the floor on his knees and jumped on them both. The three boys laughed and then a voice said "Doesn't this look like fun?", they all looked up, Lily, having spoken, was watching them from the door. Before they could more than look however they were all knocked over, as Peter leapt on them from the side. "Great distraction Lily!" Peter said as they slumped against the bed, laughing.

After breakfast Mr. and Mrs. Potter had to go to help the Order with something. They'd be away for a week and James and Lily were moving into their own house in a few days. Sirius ate breakfast slowly, as though trying to delay leaving. He loved Remus, and was looking forward to living with him, but this house was his home. At least for now.

Fleamont hugged Sirius, shook his hand and wished him luck. Euphemia hugged him tightly, kissed him on the cheek and told him that she loved him. Both parents hugged James and told him they would be coming to visit a month later. James bade them goodbye and he and Sirius watched them as they Disapperated.

"I've got to go too. I'll see you at James and Lily's on Friday." Peter said, he hugged them all and Disapperated.

Remus took Sirius' hand. "We should get your stuff." he said and so they all went back up James and Sirius' bedroom. All his clothes flew from the cupboard and the drawers into a bag, following instructions from James' wand. Sirius piled up his school stuff and added them to the bag, which had an extendable charm on it. Remus emptied his desk drawer and threw half of the stuff in the bin. Lily searched the house for any more possessions, and returned with a few t-shirts from the wash, a Gryffindor tie that Sirius had left in the living room and a photo album. Sirius added his records into the bag and closed it. "This is it." he said.

He and Remus Apparated to their new house. They both had bags, carrying all of their possessions. They had already moved in all of their furniture, so everything was ready. Sirius put a record into the record player, cranked up the volume and they started filling their drawers with their clothes. 

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