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You were still sitting at the big wooden table after Alby and Newt had left you to go find Chuck when a big, heavy hand fell on your shoulder, pulling you from your thoughts. You jumped slightly and turned to face the boy who had startled you.

"Hey, Greenbean," Frypan said, sitting down next to you on the bench. 

"Hey...Frypan?" He nodded, confirming that that was, in fact, his name, "What's up?"

"Hate to be rude, but you need to get out. Can't have any distractions while I cook aaand don't say you'll be quiet because just you being here is throwing me off."

"What if I helped? Got a jumpstart on my job search by assisting you?"

"Not an option, Greenbean," Frypan said, chuckling, "I'm the one and only cook here. Can't have anyone knowing what's in my stew. Nobody get's to know what's in Frypan's stew."

"Come on, please? I was supposed to find Chuck but it's dark out and I don't want to make assumptions but everyone here is a guy and there's bound to be one creep out there lurking in the shadows. Plus it smells really good in here and I wanna feel useful and not like the 'greenbean'."

Frypan sighed, "Listen here, Lima Bean-"

"Lima Bean?"

"You said you didn't like Greenbean, so I went with lima. Would you prefer string bean? Or perhaps baked?"

"Oh. No Lima Bean is fine."

"Good. Anyways," he continued, "you aren't gonna get your way around here by begging and whining. However, you compliment the cooking and you feel safe in my kitchen. Let's get to work. We got around fifty hungry teenage boys to feed, Lima Bean. We gotta cook up a lot of grub before dinner time and it's just the two of us here so wash your hand and get your butt in front of that stove, move, move, move!"

You laughed with him, glad to have found a friend, or at the very least a work buddy so soon. He chuckled along with you and stood up to show you around the kitchen and the pantry quickly before you started preparing tonight's meal.

. . .

You and Frypan worked well together in the kitchen, avoiding each other when moving around the small space as gracefully as two dancers on a stage. The food came out good. It smelled and looked amazing. Frypan had decided to make spaghetti; it was easy to make and delicious to eat. You had added a few herbs to the plain tomato sauce while it simmered on the stove and Frypan made the spaghetti from scratch. 

The boys started filing into the dining area, following the heavenly scents of garlic, oregano, and fresh baked bread. They lined up and each grabbed a full plate from you, thanking you before finding a seat. After the last Glader had received his plate, you looked to Frypan who nodded and waved you off, a signal that told you to grab your own plate. 

You wiped your hands on your apron and loaded your own plate with pasta, steaming red sauce, ground beef, and bread. You looked around the dining area, trying to spot Chuck or even just a place to eat alone. It had been a long day, and you would've been thankful for the quiet. 

"Y/N!" you heard a boy call from somewhere to your left. A small wave of relief washed over you. While the peace and quiet would've been nice, you were more than ready to make friends here, seeing as how nobody knew if or when you would leave this place one day. You turned, scanning the crowded location for the boy who called for you. It didn't take long, You found Chuck and Minho, flailing their arms and waving you over. 

"Hey," you said, sitting down at the place they had saved for you.

"Hey, Greenbean," you looked over at the keeper of the runners who was seated on your right, "Welcome to the Glade."


"How was your first day, Y/N?" This time Chuck spoke to you from across the table.

"It was good. How are you guys enjoying dinner?"

"It's AMAZING," Newt spoke, sitting down on your left to join the group, "Especially the sauce. You shucks think Frypan's been holding out on us?"

"Actually," you said sheepishly, "I made the sauce. Frypan let me help him make dinner."

"Wow I thought he was just having you hand out plates," Chuck said in a tone that clearly confirmed that Frypan was the ONLY chef in the Glade. Or at least, was the only chef in the Glade. 

"You did really good, Greenie. I might just go score seconds, anyone else want their plate filled?" Minho got up with his and Chuck's plate to refill, and you got more acquainted with Newt and Chuck. Minho returned a few moments later, and the four of you laughed and talked for hours. The boys went off to a big bonfire party later that night, and despite wanting to stay and help Frypan with clean up, they dragged you along with them. 

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