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The Glade was almost as peaceful as it had always been. You could hear the gladers laughing in the distance as they finished up work for the day and the nice, cool, breeze was back. For a few moments, there in Frypan's kitchen, everything was good again. For a few moments, you forgot everything wasn't good. For a few moments, you convinced yourself it had all been a bad dream.

For a few moments, you forgot your whole world was falling apart and taking everyone you loved with it.

Then you heard the shouting.

You snapped your head up from the vegetables you were mincing. You shot Frypan a scared glance before bolting towards the noise. You found Chuck in the crowd and made sure he was okay before shoving your way to the front. The maze doors were open in front of you, but they were closing fast. You screamed.


He was carrying Alby's weight. He was trying to get back in time. Back the the Glade, back to safety, back to you. 

He wasn't going to make it. 

"Minho!" When his name left your lips, it came out in a scream so loud and blood-curdling it rivaled the grievers' cries.

He looked up at you with a pained expression. He wasn't going to make it.

You moved to run to him, but Frypan and Winston grabbed your arms to hold you back. You broke free from their grip and rushed forward again, but Newt flung himself at you and wrapped his arms all the way around your waist. Fry and Winston grabbed on again and you screamed as you watched the doors slide further and further shut. 

A rush of blue sped past you. The doors were almost shut but you saw him, sliding through the minimal space left between the concrete. 


"No!" Everyone called after him, but he was already to far in, and the doors shut behind him. 

The bang of the doors echoed through the silent Glade. Nobody made a sound. Except you. You had dropped to your knees, your friends' arms still around you. You folded over yourself, placing your head on the ground as you cried. Your tears and snot soaked into the dirt. The boys let you go. You hugged your stomach and picked your head up to vomit on the ground in front of you before curling into a ball again and sobbing.

"Y/N," a heavily accented voice whispered. It had been a few hours. You knew because the light had faded away. Newt continued, placing his hand on your back gently, "You need to get up. Come on." You stood shakily. He kept his hand on your back and led you to your room. Clint checked on you quickly so you could get some rest. Just as he and Newt were leaving, Frypan walked in. 

"Limabean?" He stood in the doorway, waiting.

"Hi, Frypan," you sniffed. 

he walked in and sat on the edge of your bed. The two of you sat in silence for a while. You were greatful for the company of your friend. Silent tears fell down your cheeks. You were lying on your side, your back facing your friend, but the smell of whatever food he had brought you was tantalizing and you didn't want it to get cold so you sat up. 

He moved the tray of food from his lap to yours. You inhaled the warm comforting smells of chicken and vegetables and pepper and bread. You tried to smile at your friend but your lips quivered and you sobbed. He creased his brow and shook his head and placed his hands on the sides of your face. He smiled at you. 

"Oh, Y/N. You poor kid," He brushed the hair out of your face and stood from the bed, leaning over to place a soft kiss on your hair. It was the kind of kiss you get from your mother or father or grandparents or guardian. It was a kiss that meant "I'm going to keep you safe, because you're my friend." the kiss meant love. The kind of friendship love you could only find in books. If a person can find it real life though, they should hold onto it forever. You were going to hold onto it forever. 

"Thank you, Frypan," you whispered.

"You got it, kid. I'm downstairs if you need me." He started to walk away as you lifted the spoon to your mouth.

"Frypan?" You called and he turned around, a soft smile on his sun-warmed cheeks.

"Yeah, Limabean?"

"Thank you," you thought of your first day in the Glade, being comforted after Gally and his friends attacked you, all of the nights you'd spent laughing and joking, the hours you spent in the kitchen goofing around together while you cooked. You thought of the world crumbling around you and you smiled in spite of it, "Thank you for being my friend. For everything."

"Thank you too, Limabean. You're my best friend in this whole shuck place. Thank you too."

And with that he smiled at you and closed your door, clicking on the light before doing so, leaving you to eat your soup and biscuits in peace.


Hello friends...

I'm not crying, you're crying. Anyways, this hurt me physically to write. Poor Y/N. She's going through a lot. I feel bad :(

Just a reminder to follow me for updates/announcements on my LokixFem!OC fanfiction. It'll be out the FIRST MONDAY after this fic ends, get excited friends! It's happening soon!

Love y'all, have a good day :) 

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