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You and Minho found Newt and Chuck sitting on a log bench with Frypan by the fire. The Gladers were eating here tonight, so you and Minho grabbed some food and went to sit with your friends. You walked over and sat down with Chuck who immediately started to show all of the rocks he had collected over the past few days. It was nice that Chuck could still act his age here, even though the Glade and the Maze we a dangerous place to be. It gave you hope that maybe life here wouldn't be so bad.

Minho sat down next you, with his legs cross crossed and his back facing the fire.

"Hey Newt," he asked, pulling the blond boys attention away from the blades of grass he was braiding together, "would you rather get stung by a griever, or kiss Gally on the mouth?"

"Griever," Newt said without hesitation. The five of you laughed. Newt turned to you.

"Y/N, would you rather..."his voice trailed off as he thought about a question, "would you rather only eat oatmeal for the rest of your life, or only cook oatmeal for the rest of your life?"

"Hmmm... I think eat the oatmeal. I like it as long as it has the right consistency, otherwise it's gross."

"Gross," Minho said, and you turned to him shocked.

"You don't like oatmeal? Even when we flavor it with apples and cinnamon?"

"Nope. It's just hot mush." You gasped in mock pain and pretended to faint, closing your eyes and letting your head land on his leg.

"You've killed me," you said opening one eye to look at him before snapping it shut again, sticking your tongue out to enhance your over dramatic performance. The boys chuckled at you.

"Okay," you said, opening your eyes but staying where you were, "Frypan would you rather give me all of your secret recipes or-"

"No, the second option. My secret recipes are mine, Limabean." You burst out laughing.

"What's so funny, girly-girl?" Minho asked, looking down into his lap where you were still laying.

"The second option was that he give his secret recipes to everyone." This time the other boys joined in your laughter.

The five of you laughed and joked and ate by the fire for what seemed like hours. It was a good night, and you were sad when it had to end.

At some point you'd moved, but you ended up back in your spot with your head resting on his lap. When everyone started getting up to leave, you stayed where you were, fake-sleeping so you didn't have to move.

"Y/N, we gotta get some shut eye before tomorrow."You didn't budge or respond. He sighed.

"Come on girly-girl, I know you aren't asleep." He kept his voice low, even though he knew you were awake. He put his hand on your shoulder and shook gently. You continued to pretend to be asleep.

"Man, you're cute," you shifted slightly and he continued talking, "Are you asleep? If you're not asleep I'm gonna be so embarrassed." You didn't move or respond. He reached down and tucked the hair that had been hanging in your face behind your ear and let out a big sigh.

"You're trouble, Y/N." He said, continuing to stroke your hair. After a few moments he did his best to stand up without jostling you around too much. At first you thought he was going to leave you there by the nearly extinguished fire, but he bent down and scooped you up.

"You asleep?" You snuggled closer to his chest, trying to hide a smile.

"Yeah that's what I thought you little faker." He carried you all the way to your room in the homestead anyway, tucked you under the blanket and closed the door, leaving you to fall asleep minutes later.
This isn't what I originally planned for this chapter but I think it came out pretty cute.

I think I'll add Thomas to the story soon. What do you think will happen then?

As always, I accept ideas and constructive criticism if you have them!!

Love you all, have a great day ❤️

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