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The doors stood wide open. Not just one door but every one of them on every wall surrounding the Glade. A grieved screamed, the sound so close and so loud you felt the ground shake. This was it.

"Get inside," you said. It was barely a whisper. You tried again, "get inside."

Everyone looked at you with fear in their eyes.

"Get inside!" You were shouting at them now, and they ran. Minho grabbed your hand and Chucks arm and the tree of you sprinted at the front of the crowd. The gladers were shouting questions at each other, most of them aimed at you. You were too focused on getting everyone one into the homestead and hidden away from what was coming. 

As if to confirm your fears the griever screamed again, this time the sound was much closer than before, making everyone run faster. 

"Minho, get everyone inside. split them into four groups: My room, your room, Newt's and Theresa's. Get them inside, up stairs, shut them them up quick and stay down. Everyone sitting on the floor, got it?"

"What are you gonna do?" His eyes were full of questions and fear. Genuine fear. You'd never seen him look so scared and it frightened you even more. 

"It doesn't matter, just make sure everyone is safe. Do you understand me?"


"Minho, do you understand me!?" He hesitated, his hand still in yours.

"Yes," he said as the gladers rushed to gather with you in the homestead's main hallway and awaited instructions.

The gladers did as they were told. You followed Minho to each room. The last room, the room you were supposed to hide in, was full of your friend's faces. A knot tied itself tight in your tummy. 

"Hey, Bug," Minho said, placing his hand on your shoulder, "Come sit down, you said we have to stay low." 

"Yeah,  we-," the words caught in your throat and you corrected yourself, "You do. You have to stay low."

"Come on, Bug, let's go." You shook your head, tears you didn't even know had formed trickled down your cheeks. 

"Hey, hey, hey," Minho said, caressing your face and wiping your tears, "What's wrong?"

"Go sit down, Minho."


"Please. Go sit down it's not safe."

"I understand that, that's why you need to-,"

"I'm not staying."

"What do you mean you're 'not staying'?"

"I'm not... I have to, um..." You couldn't say it. You couldn't. You couldn't, but you had to. So you mustered up your courage and looked your friends in the eyes, "I'm sorry. I love you all, so, so, much and I can't thank you enough for everything you've done for me. Newt I'm sorry I didn't spend more time with you and," your voice was shaking, "And Chuck I'm sorry I couldn't answer all of your questions and... I'm sorry if I wasn't a good friend, Fry, and I'm sorry you'll never get to teach me your secret recipes." Minho was shaking his head in disbelief. What were you doing? You loved this boy, you loved your friends, you loved your home in the Glade. But you had to save them, and this was the only way.


"I'm- I'm sorry Gally that I didn't try harder to be your friend and I'm sorry you hate me... I'm sorry I didn't forgive you sooner... Minho I-"


"Minho, please. Let me-"

"No! Stop apologizing. Stop... Stop acting like this is goodbye. You're gonna sit down with the rest of us. You're gonna be safe. Now tell me, what the shuck you think you are you going to do? Because the answer better shucking be sitting in this room with me and everyone else. You aren't doing something stupid, Y/N, I won't let you. We need you here, I need you here."

"Minho, I-"

"No," he cut you off, "get inside. You need to stay. Stay." His eyes were glossy with tears he refused to shed. 

The griever screamed again, the metallic clicking and whirring of it's metal appendages sending a shiver up your spine. 

"I have to."

"You don't!"

"Yes I do!" The griever was in the Glade. You had to move quickly, "I love you Minho, more than anything, more than everything. I love you. I love you. I'm sorry... I'm sorry." You were sobbing, your face was red and wet with tears and snot. You didn't care.

"Y/N, What are you going to do?" He had screamed it at you. Your breath caught in your throat and your eyes burned with more tears. He wrapped his arms around you, tight. It was an apology, for screaming. You listened to his heart beat and smiled slightly. He was alive. They were all alive. They were going to be okay. You hugged him as tight as you could. You took his face in your hands and kissed him like the world was ending. And in a way, it was. You pulled back from the kiss and looked him in the eyes. 

"I'm gonna save everyone."

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