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She wasn't dead.

No, this was worse. The girl had just been unconscious, knocked out by fear or something like that. But when the boys pulled her out of the box so Clint and Jeff could make sure she wasn't seriously harmed, she didn't hesitate to bolt up from the ground and latch onto the nearest person.

Unfortunately, you were the nearest person.

The girl, after startling everyone with her sudden mobility, grabbed onto your shoulders.

Her grip was tight and painful and you found yourself thinking back to the night Gally and his friends had attacked you. Her nails were digging into your skin and you yelped in pain as you felt them break skin.

Her piercing ice blue eyes were boring into your soul and it looked like she was searching for something. You were starting to hyperventilate. Nobody moved to help you, not even Minho. The best thing to do was avoid sudden movements that might frighten the girl further. You felt a tear slide down your cheek. The glade was so completely silent that you swore even the grievers had come to a standstill. Her grip tightened. You let out another pained noise, sucking your breath through your teeth.

You could feel your vision beginning to blur as the nausea settled in. What was happening to you? Why did things always happen to you? You couldn't get  control of  your breathing and you couldn't help but imagine that this must be what it feels like to be crushed between the maze doors.

Finally, after what felt like hours, the girl spoke. Her voice was rough and hoarse like she had swallowed glass. She spoke as if her next words would be her last, the short sentence dripping with terror.

She never once broke eye contact with you, "Everything is going to change," you heard her rasp, before you both collapsed on the ground.

Minho was brushing your hair out of your face when you woke up. You were laying on a cot in the medjacks' hut.

"Hi," you said quietly.

"Hey, Bugga Boo. Scared me back there. You alright now? Feeling better?"

"Yeah." He leaned over in his chair and pecked you gently on your forehead. You smiled slightly at him and he returned it with his crooked smirk that you loved so much.

"New Girl's in a coma," he told you, "some weird klunk's happening, not that klunk isn't always weird here... You wanna go grab dinner? Fry made special casserole." You groaned. You hated Frypan's casserole. It was the only thing he made that you refused to eat.

"Yeah I know how you feel. Left-overs?" You nodded at his suggestion and he helped you off the cot. You grabbed the leftover enchiladas from last night and threw them in the oven for a couple minutes to heat them up. Your mind stirred at the idea that there was a quicker way to do this. With a smaller kind of oven. The nostalgic feeling tickled the back of your brain again and you shook it away, choosing instead to focus on cooking dinner.

The two of you ate on your bedroom floor that night before crawling up into bed and falling asleep.


Hiiii how is everyone??? I know I keep saying "Just a few more chapters" but there's a lot I forgot had to happen before I end the fic. Like the dead grievers and the maze starting to shut down...

Exciting stuff coming soon, so buckle your seatbelts, kids!

Love you all, have a nice day ❤️❤️❤️

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