Chapter Twenty-Three

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"Kylo, I'm going to go out to the garden to get some fresh air." Rey said.

Kylo had been speaking with the governor of Coruscant and Rey was feeling rather hot after all the dancing in the crowded room.

"Alright, sweetheart, but don't go too far." He kissed her cheek.

"I won't." Rey smiled.

Once she left, the governor turned to Kylo, "Shes grown up so much. When's the wedding?"

"On her eighteenth birthday." Kylo answered.

"I bet your excited."

"You have no idea," Kylo sighed, "Tell me, how is the city doing?"

Meanwhile, Rey enjoyed the cool night air and the millions of bright stars in the sky. It felt good to cool off after all the excitement. All the talking and smiling and greeting was giving Rey a headache. The quietness of the garden was soothing.

Then a slight sound broke the silence. It was rustling leaves. Someone was here, Rey could sense them.

"Who's there?" She demanded.

"Rey! It's us!"

Rey jumped a little at the voice. She didn't recognize it but it sounded very familiar. How did they know her name? Well, nearly everyone did. She was the future Empress after all.

"Who?" She asked.

"It's Finn and Poe. We are old friends of yours." Another voice spoke.

"Show yourself then!" Rey ordered.

The two men stood from their hiding spot. One look at their faces sent a wave of pain through her mind. Some sort of wall crumbled in her head and she suddenly was met with memories she forget she had.

Finn and Poe. They had brought her to the Resistance base when she was very young. They saved her from... Kylo. That monster was tricking her mind again! The wall crumbled more and she now remembered all the horrible things he had done and said to her. The ring...

Rey looked down at her finger and that horrible, evil ring laughed at her with it's gleaming jewels. The wall crumbled even more and now Rey remembered its meaning. She was to be married to him in exactly three year's time.

"I remember." Rey told them, "I remember everything." She embraced them in her arms and tears trickled down her cheeks.

Why did it always have to be her?

"I missed you Rey. We both did." Finn said, hugging her back.

"We need to get you out of here." Poe said, putting her back as well.

They all made themselves pull away from the hug.

"Right." Rey agreed.

"Follow me. Well go back the way we came." Finn said. He began leading her in the right direction.

"Where the hell do you think you are taking my Princess?" An angry voice boomed.

All three spun around. Kylo looked pissed and glared daggers at the two men trying to take Rey. His eyes softened once they landed on Rey's. He quickly realized what had happened and he snarled, turning to his Knights.

"Take them aboard the Finalizer. I will take Rey back to her room and have a chat. The party's over." He growled, snatching Rey's arm in a deathly grip.

My Sweet, My Dear, My Rey Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora