Chapter Sixteen

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Rey's POV

My eyes peel open. They're most definitely puffy and red from my crying. I just want to go back to sleep. In sleep, I'm free from everything: Kylo, my loved ones' deaths, even the long gone Resistance. Why did I have to give Kylo that idea of using me to make them surrender? I groan and put an arm over my eyes.

I hear footsteps and I sense Kylo outside my door. "Don't even think about coming in here!" I hiss at him. I hear a slight sigh and he walks away. I look at the clock on my nightstand. It's four in the morning. I've only slept for a few hours. I can just go back to sleep. I snuggle back into the bed and drift off.

Kylo's POV

I went back to our quarters a few hours after I had felt Rey calm down. I had gone off to train with my Knights and let out my frustration. She will learn to love me. I'll make her if I have to.

I sighed at the mess she made, then smirked. My little Rey had some dark side in her. I ordered cleaning droids to clean up her mess and I stood outside her door. I could sense her and she was awake, but exhausted. My poor little lamb. I'll show her real strength and power once she trusts me again  and loves me.

"Don't even think about coming in here!" She hisses at me. I sigh and walk to my own room and take my nightly shower. In these quiet moments where I'm alone I like to fantasize the things Rey and I will do together in the future. Like our wedding, for example. There's going to be all of her favorite colors everywhere, her favorite cake flavor, and flowers all around! I'm even picking out her options for her wedding dress. I'm choosing the ones I like and putting them aside for her to choose before the wedding. It's going to be wonderful. She's wonderful.

I step out of the shower and get ready for bed with Rey still in my mind. I love her so much, and she's all mine. My beautiful Rey. I fall asleep with the picture of her breath taking smile and blinding light still fresh on my mind.

Third Person POV

In the morning, Kylo made breakfast for Rey and himself. He waited a few minutes for Rey to come out of her room, but - of course - she didn't. He ran a hand through his hair and sighed. He had been sighing a lot lately.

He went into her room and walked in after knocking. Rey was on her bed, staring at the ceiling with sad, red eyes. She looked at me and groaned, pulling a blanket over her head. Kylo smirked at her cuteness. He went up to her bed and stroked her arm up and down.

"Oh, Rey, you're still too young and innocent to understand. Don't worry, I'll make you understand one day. Come eat breakfast, my love, then you can get all dressed up in one of your new dresses and accompany me fir my daily meetings. You can help me plan our Empire! How's that sound?" Kylo said softly. Rey didn't come out from under her blanket.

"No." She responded stubbornly. Kylo frowned. His growing girl needed to eat. "Come on, Rey, I made toast." He tried. "I don't care. Go away!" Rey snapped. Kylo was getting a bit agitated. "Rey..." he warned. "I'm not leaving. I don't want to rule a stupid Empire with y-" Kylo yanked Rey out from u see he blanket and dragged her out of bed. Rey yelped at his strong grip. "Don't even try to fight back." Kylo gave her a hard look "I am will always be more powerful than you! Foolish girl..." He forced her to sit on a chair. "Now. Eat." He growled through barred teeth. Rey squirmed under his deathly glare. She ate some breakfast after that.

Kylo are his food while watching Rey the whole time. He made sure she ate every bite on her plate. She was complying to his wishes now. That was good. Kylo smirked triumphantly once Rey had finished all her food.

"Good. Now go change. I want to formerly introduce you to my Supreme Council, so dress nicely." Kylo said. Rey frowned at the table with her arms crossed. "Rey." Kylo warned again. She huffed and stormed off to her room.

Rey now had to choose what to wear. Most of what she could see were dresses. Rey didn't want to wear dresses. She found a baby blue tunic that went down to just above her knees. Rey liked it and matched it with some black leggings and brown boots.

"You're quite the fashionista, my sweet. I guess this is as close as we can get to you wearing a dress." Kylo said from behind her, startling her. "You look breathtaking as usual." He was leaning against the closet's doorway. How long had he been there? Rey hoped not long.

Kylo walked over to her, making Rey back up a little bit. He put a hand on the back of her head and kissed her forehead rather roughly. Rey smacked his arm and walked away from him. "Don't!" She snapped. "Why not?" Kylo frowned, "I'm allowed to touch you, hug you, or kiss you whenever I want! We are going to be married in five years after all." Rey shuddered at the thought of marrying such a monstrous man.

"We should go now." He said, leaving her closet. Rey reluctantly followed, not wanting to anger him more. This is going to be interesting, she thought.

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