Chapter Nine

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"Why am I wearing makeup, again?", Rey asks. "It's to make you look like you have bruises and cuts - like you've been treated horribly here.", Kylo replied as he put the final touches on a particularly rough looking fake bruise on her chin. "That should do it.", he said, "now you just need to remember how I told you to act.". "You told me to act like I was being kept here against my will and that I had been hit over and over again. You also told me to cry like a baby, but I'm not a baby.", Rey said. "Right, ok lets go.", he stood up and walked out of their quarters, Rey following close behind.

As they passed some officers and other First Order people, Rey got some worried and confused looks from her fake bruises. They arrived at the room were they would record the hologram. A few officers were there preparing a few things and they bowed when the walked in.

"Rey, it would had some effect if you were crying, can you do that?", Kylo asked her. "No.", Rey said. "We can get you some fake tears then.", he said. "No.", Rey answered.

"Why not?".

"Miss Leia told me to never cry unless I was alone because it made me look stronger."

Kylo's anger flared up at the thought of his mother. Rey felt it and started to get scared, it reminded her of when Snoke first turned him to the dark side and Ben's eyes turned darker.
"DON'T EVER SPEAK OF THAT RESISTANCE GENERAL LIKE YOU CARE ABOUT HER EVER AGAIN!", Kylo snapped. That made Rey cry because it showed how evil he could be and he was telling Rey not to care about the woman who raised her.

"Quick,", he said to the officers, "we will make the holo while she is crying.". He dragged Rey just outside the holo's detection circle and then he stood in the middle. An officer gave him a nod to tell him that the holo was on and he started his offer.

"General Organa, I have sent you his hologram to ask you for a treaty. A treaty to end this war. Get back to me for details. And if you don't...", Kylo roughly grabs Rey and pulls her in front of him. Rey cries out at his roughness and Kylo continues, "maybe this will change your mind.". Then the holo was switched off.

"That should do it. Have it sent to the Resistance.", Kylo ordered, loosening his grip on Rey's arm. They walked out of the room and into the hallway. Rey took the opportunity of Kylo's loose grip to yank her arm free and dart the other way. "Rey!", Kylo called, but Rey had already turned to corner and was running and looking for a hiding spot. She needed to get away from him and be alone.

Rey passed by a hallway only to be grabbed by Kylo from that hallway. He gripped her arm tighter than he had in the recording room and it hurt really bad on her nine-year-old arm. Rey cried harder and said, "ow! Stop holding me so hard! It really hurts!". "Quiet, Rey.", Kylo snapped. Rey could feel his anger through their bond.

Rey struggled against him, but Kylo dragged her back to their quarters. Once in there, Rey slipped out of his bruising grip only to be grabbed again and told, "Rey just stop struggling! I just want to talk to you.", Kylo explained. He gripped her shoulders and forced her to look at him. "Calm down! I didn't mean to scare you. I'm sorry.", he said softly. "No! I remembered how mean you've become! I don't want to be here anymore! I want to go home!", Rey cried.

"But you are home.", Kylo said. "No! This isn't home, this is HELL! Home is with the good people and color! Not just black and white! Home is with my real friends like Finn, Poe, Chewie, BB8, Rose, Paige, and L-", Rey didn't finish before Kylo's rage spilled over and he hit Rey. He hit her right in her face with such an impact, it knocked her off of her feet and onto the floor, unconscious. But before Kylo saw her hit the floor, he turned, ignited his saber and tore apart the walls, letting out his frustration.

His tantrum lasted a few minutes before he finally calmed down. He sighed and switched off his saber. "Rey...", he started, turning around, "I'm sor- ", he stopped when he saw his little counterpart on the floor, unconscious with a gigantic bruise forming on the side of her little face. "REY!", he exclaimed. He knelt next to her and held her in his arms. He pressed his fingers on her throat to find her pulse and it was there. Good. He carried her out of their quarters and to the med bay.

Time skip: one hour

The doctors had done a few tests to find any kind of concussion or brain damage. Rey had a concussion and a bad bruise, but no permanent damage. She was given some painkillers and she would be waking up soon. Kylo had taken her back to their quarters and laid her in her bed. He had a med droid in there just in case. He stood in the corner of her room with his mark off and waited for her to wake up.

Rey's eyes began to flutter open and she winced in pain. She looked around the room with her eyes half open, but when she spotted Kylo in the corner, she screamed and her eyes widened in fear. Kylo moved to scoop her up and she screamed, "NO! NO! STAY AWAY FROM ME!". Kylo held her in his arms as she continued to scream and cry.

When she calmed down, he said, "I'm very sorry, little one, I just got mad that's all. I'll try not to harm you again. You must be tired, why don't you go back to sleep?". Rey nodded and slowly fell back asleep, she was too tired to fight him.

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