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Two weeks later...

Kylo and Rey were once again in another meeting. Kylo didn't care for meetings, but he wanted to make sure that none of the former Resistance came back to ruin his reign. Rey was bored out of her mind, but anxiety had been eating away at her.

She knew she needed to get away from Kylo. She had to. For the past two weeks, she had been doing her best to keep her thoughts hidden from that monster. It worked better than she had anticipated. Kylo acted as though nothing had happened for the most part, but he did up security as well as keep a close eye on Rey at all times.

"I'm going to use the refresher." She muttered into Kylo's ear.

"Alright." He nodded to his Knights, who nodded back.

Rey left the meeting hall with the Knights tailing her silently. They waited outside. The only man allowed to go into a bathroom with Rey was Kylo. Unless it was an emergency.

There was a secret back door to the bathroom. It would be a tight fit for Rey, but she could make it. She would make it. She had to get away from Kylo. She couldn't marry a psycho monster like him.

The plan would have worked too. If it weren't for how smart and quick-thinking the Knights were. Not two, but all six of them stood in wait for her at the back door. Rey's heart dropped to the pits of her stomach.

"Please, don't tell him." Rey whimpered.

"We listen to Ren's orders first, then yours," Cardo said.

"We respect you, Rey, but we respect our Master more," Vicrul added, grabbing Rey's arm.

"He loves you, you should know that." Trudgen told her as they began walking down the hallway, "he's just... protective."

"He's abusive. I'm not going to marry him." Rey spat.

"The wedding's in three years, you'll change your mind," Kuruk said with a slight chuckle.

Rey doubted that would happen.

"My Knights told me what happened," Kylo said after walking into Rey's room.

Rey had been taken back to her room instead of back to the meeting hall. Kylo had assured his staff that Rey was just feeling under the weather. She knew he was angry. When he was especially angry, he wouldn't show it right away, but rather hide it under a calm mask that encased a fiery volcano of rage.

Rey didn't know what to say so they sat in silence for a while. She looked at her hands, the floor, out the window, and anywhere but him. However, he stared at her with fury swirling in his dark eyes.

"You are so ungrateful." He spat.

"You are so obsessive." She spat back, "I'm never going to marry you." She remained avoiding his gaze.

"You will marry me. You don't have a choice." He growled.

"It isn't healthy. Our relationship. It's toxic and it's hurting us both." Rey said.

"Toxic?? I have done nothing toxic to you." He spat angrily, "everything I do is for your own good, and every time you fight back, every time you push away," he leaned in close to her ear, " are just being an ungrateful little bitch."

Rey continued to avoid his gaze. Was he right? Was she the bad guy in this situation? No. He had hurt her. Hurting people isn't love. Is it? Rey didn't get out much and never had any boyfriends besides Kylo. She had seen romantic holo films before. Those relationships were so different. Well, sure, those couples would fight, but usually, the girl would slap the guy once, and then they would kiss. But in Rey's relationship, Kylo might hit her or call her bad names and there would be no kissing, but was it just for her own good? Just a lesson? A punishment, like he had said? But what had she done to be punished in the first place? There had to be something. Everything that went wrong was her fault. It always was. Always.

"You're right," she whispered. Tears escaped down her face, "I'm sorry..."

"What was that?" He snapped, raising an eyebrow.

"I'm sorry..." Rey whispered again. Kylo was not satisfied.

"Louder! And look me in the eye when I'm talking to you!" He yelled, forcefully gripping her chin and making her face him.

Rey didn't feel any love when looking at this man. She felt only fear. And pure terror.

Rey choked out a sob and started crying. Her tears moved from her cheeks and onto Kylo's leather-gloved hand, and down the soft material.

"I'm s-sorry... You're right, you always are." She cried, "I just don't understand your way of loving. I-it's just that I saw some of those r-romantic holo films and the girls there were treated differently."

"I see..." he said, loosening his grip on her. Bruises were sure to form. Proof of his "love".

"No more romantic holo films. They are messing with your head and are full of lies and tricks. I can give you so much more than those fake scenes." He wiped away her tears with his thumb, "And I will be saving all of that for our wedding night." He winked.

Rey knew what he meant, but at the same time, she didn't. She knew what sex was from her "The birds and the bees" talk when she was younger and had gotten her first period a few years ago. However, she didn't know how it worked exactly, or how it would feel. The lack of that area of information scared her for the night that would inevitably come in three years.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2021 ⏰

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