Chapter Twenty

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Kylo's POV

I walked into our quarters and to my room where Rey lay on my bed, fast asleep. Poor thing must have been so frightened. At least she was able to get away. I wouldn't forgive myself if she were to have to go through that entire ordeal.

"Rey, sweetheart, how are you doing?" I murmured. She stirred at my voice and opened her eyes. She gasped and jumped into my arms.

"Ben!" She whimpered, "you came back!"

"Of course I did. I'll always come back for you." I whispered into her ear.

I picked her up bridal style and carried her out of our quarters. I was going to take her to a special place. It would make her feel safer.

I opened the door and Rey gasped.

"My garden..." she breathed, "it's even more beautiful than I remembered. You kept it in tact all these years?"

"Yes, I did." I kissed her temple. She hugged my neck.

I sat under the big tree in the middle with her still in my lap. I held her for a few minutes before I got the idea to tell her something that would make her stay with me forever.


She looked up at me.

"You know how the Resistance gave you up to stop the war?"


"Well my spies in the outer rim - where they are now- said that the Resistance also gave you up because they thought you were too big of a burden and that it would strengthen their chances of winning because they wouldn't have to worry about, and I quote, "a stupid little girl"."

"I'm glad you banished them. They were so horrible. They acted like they cared when they didn't. I hate the memories I have with them. I almost can't believe this."

"I know. You'll be safe now. Everyone will treat you with kindness and respect from now on."

"You know what, Ben?" She asked.


"I think I'll marry you. I don't know what was wrong with me before. Teenage hormones?"

I laughed. She giggled.

"Just five more years and we'll be married. Just think: Empress Rey. I still need to think of what your last name should be. Ren or Solo."

"Hmm... how about Solo-Ren?" She suggested.

"It's perfect! Empress Rey Solo-Ren."

"And Emperor Kylo Ren."

"Just five more years." We said in sync.

Ok, shorter chapter!

First: many thanks to BethIsAPotato1 for helping me write some of my stories! Ur a great friend and have serval great ideas!

Second: there will be a time skip in the next chapter!

Third: if I get one more follower, I will have 100 followers! Plz tell me if I should do something special to celebrate!! 🎉


My Sweet, My Dear, My Rey Where stories live. Discover now