Chapter Twenty-Four

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Kylo stormed through the halls of the mansion, dragging Rey behind him. He muttered things under his breath, while Rey was scared of his wrath. She had no doubt that he would manipulate her mind nice again.

He forced the door open and threw her inside. She landed on her back on the floor. He was seething with anger and Rey knew it.

"Kylo-" Rey tried.

"Don't." He snapped.

Kylo locked the door and advanced towards Rey. She scrambled onto her feet.

"Kylo, please-"

"Be quiet!" He ordered, "let's make this quick."

He lifted his hand to Rey's head.

"No! Kylo, please, no! I don't want to be left in the dark anymore!" Rey begged, "leave my head alone!"

Kylo lowered his hand a bit and frowned. He eyed her, thinking.

"Please? I'll behave. I'll listen to you. I'll do anything, just please don't mess with my head anymore. It hurts." She pleaded more.

"Fine." He muttered, calming down slightly, "I won't mess with your head ever again, I promise."

Rey sighed in relief.

"However," Kylo added, grabbing her arm and leaning down to whisper in her ear, "If you step out of line - even once - I will not hesitate to punish you. Do you understand?"

"Y-yes. I do." Rey whispered.

"Then we have ourselves a deal then. Good." Kylo pulled away.


Sorry this is so short. I want to save another scene for another chapter and I don't want to cram them all in this one.

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