Chapter Seven

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Rey's POV

Finn and Poe hurriedly left me with a Resistance member named Craig to protect me after the alarm went off. I'm so confused as to what just happened and what us going to happen now. Craig is taking me to a safe place so I won't get taken or injured or killed or something. Craig is trying to make jokes and cheer me up but I'm too scared to listen. I know Craig pretty well. He is known for being a funny and light-hearted person. He's a real good guy. He always makes me laugh, but right now his jokes aren't working.

"Don't worry, Rey! Everything will be just fi-", Craig gets interrupted by another Resistance member yelling at him through his comm link about Kylo Ren and his Knights of Ren getting into the base and that they are looking for... for me.

I've heard of the sinister Kylo Ren and his Knights before. No one really told me anything about them besides that Kylo Ren was the Leader if the First Order, he killed his master, destroyed Luke Skywalker's Jedi Academy, he's a murderer, and how evil and blood thirsty he is. Gee... he sounds like a REAL GREAT guy... (not really). But why does he want me? How does he even know me?

Craig is getting worried and looks scared. I can hear faint noises coming from down the hall. The noises sound familiar just like the man, Kylo Ren, in the forest, but I can't remember where I've heard them! I can hear people crying out in pain and screams along with slashing sounds and something that sounds like strange fire...

"Come on, Rey,", Craig says nervously, "we need to get you away from them.". He grabs my hand and he and I run through the base and away from the sounds. I can hear the sounds coming closer and closer no matter how far Craig and I run.

My fear is rising as the sounds grow louder. Why does Kylo Ren want me? Does he want to kill me? If so, what for? Does he want to hurt me? If so, why?

Before long, the sounds grow so loud Craig stops and so do I. Craig looks terrified. I can tell he doesn't want to face Kylo Ren and his Knights or for me to face them. I watch as his eyes get a hint of courage in them and he turns to face me. "Rey, I want you to go to the safe place, you know the one right? Near the northeastern exit? Run there as fast as your legs can and don't look back whatever you do. You hear me? I'll be right behind you.", Craig tells me very seriously. I nod.

We both turn around to see a flashing red light just around the corner, the noises louder than ever. "Rey, go now! Run! Once your there, hide and wait for someone with the Resistance to find you. GO!", Craig yells. "Thank you!", I yell at him before turning and running for the safe place. Leia would have wanted me to say that to him. She would always want me to remember my manners, even in moments like these.

I turned the corner just up ahead of where Craig and I were and not even a second later I heard the same familiar mechanical voice that I heard in the forest say very demandingly, "Tell me where she is.". I stop, my curiosity getting the better if me, and I creep back to the corner to try and see what will happen to Craig. I let out a quiet gasp at the sight I see.

Kylo Ren looks HUMONGOUS compared to Craig. He towers over him like a skyscraper to a cottage in those fairytales. His mask makes him look even more like the monster he really is. His long muscular arms and legs could be compared to Craig's much skinnier ones like tree trunks to a pathetic twig. His Knights stand behind him just as menacingly with their weapons drawn and ready to kill. They seem to be watching watching Kylo's interrogation with Craig with the highest amount of interest. They seem to be awaiting lots of blood and gore, too.

I see Craig swallow nervously before answering, "I'll never tell! I'd never even let her look at you if I could! You'll never get your murderous hands in her! Ever!". I feel warm inside knowing that Craig is standing up to the most feared man in the galaxy just for me. I want to give him one of my happy, warm hugs that everyone loves, but I know I can't.

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