Chapter Thirteen

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Time Skip: Four Years

The family that had found her in the desert four years ago were jewelry makers/mechanics and Rey fit in with them perfectly. They were her new family. Rey felt so at home that she completely forgot about Kylo.

There was even a cute boy she liked. He was human, 15 and tall. His name was Jonas. He worked with his dad and they took shipments of their jewelry and some mechanical things that Rey made off to other planets to be sold. He liked Rey and the two often talked and spent their free time together.

Rey was now thirteen and had begun to grow quite pretty. She loved her new life. She loved how free she was and how she could thank her new family by helping them make more money with her mechanical skills.

Rey was finishing another jewelry order for a customer in their village. "Jonas, I finished Cierra's new necklace! Do you kind running over and giving it to her? I have a customer here that needs their radio fixed.", Rey said. "Don't worry, I'm on it!", Jonas called back.

On the Finalizer...

"Alright which regions have we not checked yet?", Kylo asked his officers. He had been searching his entire empire, which he had finally finalized his rule over, to find Rey. It was hard trying to find a little girl in a giant galaxy, while trying to start a successful empire.

"We've searched everything, sir, but there is one planet we have not searched yet.", Hux said. "And what would that planet be, General?", Kylo asked. "The desert planet Pasaana.".
"Prepare squadrons of troopers. I will go along with my Knights."


Rey was sleeping in her bed in her home when her adoptive mother burst into her room and told her to pack a few important things.

"Why? What's going on?", Rey asked as she sprang out of bed. "The First Order has arrived, dear, they are no doubt here to take you. We need to get you away from her. You are going with Jonas to another planet.", her adoptive mother explained while getting a small bag out of her closet and putting a few things in it.

Rey nodded and grabbed her doll, the same one she took with her four years ago when she first escaped Kylo. Her adoptive mother ushered her out of the door and onto Jonas' ship. Rey could see First Order ships landing and troopers coming out of them. "Come on Rey, we'll go to a peaceful green planet and you can live a happy, stress free life and-", Jonas was cut of by blaster fire damaging their ship's thrusters.

Jonas swore under his breath and Rey held her doll closer to her chest. Rey's heart sped up even more as she saw the Knights of Ren come onto their ship. Cardo's big blaster on his arm was smoking, signaling that he was the one who had shot Jonas' ship.

Rey knew the Knights fairly well and she understood that during missions, they stayed silent to make their opponents more intimidated by them. Rey wasn't usually scared of them, but she was now because she knew that they were going to take her back to her obsessive counterpart. Trudgen and Vicrul made their way towards Jonas, who tried to act brave and tell them to leave Rey alone but Vicrul and Trudgen pulled out their vibro-blades and pointed them at him to silence him.

The rest came over to Rey, surrounded her and led her off of the ship and probably to Kylo. Rey stopped and looked at them, "no, I won't go back to him!". Kuruk, who was behind her, just gently pushed her forward and they kept walking.

"I never want to see him again!", Rey  growled. "I hate him!", she hissed, making everyone stop. Rey bet the Knights has shocked looks on their faces under their masks. "Rey, you don't mean that do you? You know he loves you very much.", Vicrul asked in a stunned tone, forgetting they were on a mission.

"I won't go!", Rey said, crowding her arms to show she's serious. "Rey, no matter how much we care about you and respect you wishes, Emperor Ren still holds more power than you do.", Trudgen said, pushing an agitated Jonas forward. Rey struggled, but The Knights gently pushed her through the village to where Kylo was.

Not even ten seconds into their walk, a shower of blaster fire cams down on them. This distracted the Knights long enough for Rey and Jonas to run off. "Don't worry, Rey, we have a back up ship just behind my family's home. We'll go there and fly to the Outer Rim and hide!", Jonas reassured Rey as the ran behind his house and onto this smaller ship.

Jonas closed the ramp and Rey sat in the pilot's seat with her doll on her lap and begun to start up the ship. Jonas took the pilots seat and they started to fly up. Rey looked out of the window and held her breath as she saw Kylo standing with his Knights behind him. Rey could feel his outrage at her escaping for a third time, even though he had his mask on. Rey glared at him and she could see his hands tightening into fists.

Rey and Jonas flew off into space and made their way towards the Outer Rim. Rey let out the breath she didn't know she was holding and ended up falling asleep in the copilot's seat. She begun to have a dream...

Rey was sitting in a field picking colorful flowers, holding them, smelling them, and putting them in a basket. It was a warm, sunny day and Rey wore a army green dress that went down to her knees, with brown buttons going down the front and a cloth, and an army green belt around her waist.

Rey hummed as she picked up a bunch of purple flowers and smelled them. She smiled and gently placed them in her basket.

Rey was about to get some more flowers when, suddenly, everything green and beautiful around her started withering away and dying. Rey got scared as everything turned brown, dry, and rough. Even the sky turned grey and the air became much cooler than it was.

She felt a presence behind her but she didn't notice as she kept looking at the sad field before her. "Rey...", she heard. Her muscles tensed up and her eyes grew wide. "What do you want?", she hissed. "The one thing I've always wanted, you.", he replied, stroking her hair. Rey spun around and smacked his hand away with a "Don't you dare touch me!".

Kylo was not wearing his mask and he now had a scar running down his face from a previous battle. He wore a black cape with a crimson inside. He looked at her up and down and looked over her face.

"You look so pretty, so grown up. I wish I would have seen you grow, but you ruined that chance didn't you?", he frowned. Rey got mad and snarled, "I didn't ruin our relationship, you did! You used me as a means to force the Resistance into surrendering, you hit me, you refused to let me see my only family, you claimed to OWN me, and you kissed me without my consent!".

"What's so wrong with that?", Kylo asked with a tilt of his head. "I WAS NINE YEARS OLD! YOU KILLED PEOPLE JUST BECAUSE YOU WANTED TO POSSESS ME, YOU IDIOT!", Rey yelled. Kylo looked a bit hurt by that last word. "I'm sorry", he said, "please come back to me.". He tried giving her the puppy eyes look, but Rey just glared at him. "We're going to have to fix this new attitude.", he sighed, "we can work on it when I see you shortly.".

Rey froze. "What do you mean shortly?", she demanded. "Rey, we developed a Force-bond over the past four years and I guess it opened up tonight when we locked eyes. I can find you wherever you go now.", Kylo explained with a smirk. Rey was speechless for a few seconds but then snapped out of it and growled, "I hate you! I'd rather die than have to share a Force-bond with YOU!". Kylo looked shocked by her words and said quietly, "you don't mean that do you? I really do love you, I just show it differently than most people do.". He looked sad, like a kicked puppy. Rey almost felt guilty. Almost. "I'll see you soon.", he said. Rey began to wake up...

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