What Falls, Breaks

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Chapter 34: What Falls, Breaks

The motel room sucks. One small ass bed, an ancient TV, the smallest bathtub I've ever seen, and service so bad, it makes me want to sue the place. Seeing how bad the room is, I got the night clerk to lower the price. He muttered profanities as he left our room. He's not getting a tip.

"Cozy, huh?" I chuckled.

"Looks like we have to share the bed . . . again." He shrugged, smiling at me.

"We already do that," I pushed him lightly, then flopped on the bed. "Did you call Calum?"

He nodded, handing me my phone as he sat next to me to take off his shoes. He laid back, arms behind his head staring up at the patchy ceiling. I wonder what's going on in his head, if what he says about me being on his mind is true.

"He said he'll be here in a few, bringing food for us," he spoke.

"Is he bringing my sister?" I kicked off my shoes and laid next to him.

He shook his head. "He doesn't know what happened."

I creased my forehead, "How does he not know? My sister tells him practically everything."

"He hasn't spoke to her today, she was out when he went over to pick her up."

"Do you know where she went?"

"Out with Piper and Mikey." I sighed in relief. "Don't worry about her," he said wrapping his arm around me. "She's fine."

I nodded, moving closer to him. I'm okay with Lulu not coming, but not okay at the same time. I miss my sister, even though it's been a day since we saw each other. Besides Luke, the boys, and Piper, Lulu was the only one I talked to and protected. She's my baby sister, I'll kill anyone that tries to hurt her.


"That's Cal," he said. I nodded and sat up, watching him open the door.

"How the hell do you break down a car, twenty fuckin' miles out of town?" Calum asked, shoving the bags of food to Luke to lay on the bed. The bed bounced as he body slammed onto the thing. I kicked him, because he gave no thought about checking if someone else was also on the bed.

"Did you tell my dad?" Luke asked, setting the food in front of the TV.

"I told him you're staying at my place," he said, sitting up. I sighed in relief. At least he won't get in trouble now. One less thing to worry about.

"Thanks," he pushed Calum off the bed and grabbed me to lie down with him. I rolled my eyes and gave in. "Tired?" He mumbled against my hair.

"Not really," I faced him and caressed his cheek. His eyes closed and a smile was on his face. "You are, get some sleep," I kissed his forehead.

"Stay with me til I fall asleep?" He raised a brow. I sighed and wrapped my arms around him. He snuggled his head in the crook of my neck, kissing it occasionally.

"It's been a long day, huh?" I played with his hair.

"Mmhm," he hummed.

"That tired, huh?" I chuckled. He didn't respond. "Piercings?"

"I love you, Heart," he mumbled. My eyes widened. He was breathing out soft snores as his grip on me loosened.

He said he loves me. How can he loved me all of the sudden? We've known each other for two months. Two months is a long time though. But why does he have to love me? Why not someone that won't bring him down?

I gave him a kiss on the lips before slipping from his arms. I went out to the balcony where Calum was. My eyes widened at the sight of what he was doing.

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