Muffins and Awkward Feelings

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Chapter 35: Muffins and Awkward Feelings

"Your dad's going to kill you when he finds out you're with me." I said as I walked over to the bed, flopping and feeling a bit full from dinner.

"I don't care, he's too busy in his own world to pay attention to me." He sat on the chair.

"Seems like he pays attention when I'm involved," I muttered, hugging my pillow.

"He doesn't know anything, he shouldn't even be blaming you for what happened."

"What did you guys talk about in the principle's office?"

"He asked if I was involved with the fight, I said yes. He asked what's the consequence to my actions, I said suspension." He shrugged.

At least if was his first offense and we're all eighteen so it wouldn't considered as child abuse. I had a lot to hold back on, like beating the shit out of Max.

"What made Max mad to begin with?" I questioned.

"I'm guessing he saw them hold hands in the hallway, or kiss."

"It's Max's fault anyway."

"Why's that?" He leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees as he let his chin rest on his fists.

"He broke up with her, he shouldn't be mad if Lulu's with someone else now," I stated.

He sat next to me and wrapped his arms around me. "Guys have anger issues sometimes."

"More like all the time," I muttered.


Luke jolted up, putting his arm in front of me to guard me. I chuckled and moved his arm to get out of bed. He held my arm, silently telling me not to go for it.

"Relax, it's just Ash," I said opening the window.

"Since when do you lock your window?" Ashton asked as he stepped into the room.

"Since my sister's psycho ex boyfriend decided to beat people up." I crossed my arms.

"Sorry about that, I don't know what got into him."

"He needs to apologize, not you," I said bitterly.

"Oh, Luke's here." He smiled.

"Yeah, he's rebelling against his dad right now," I said leaning against the wall.

"Now I see why you two get along so well."

I rolled my eyes and punched his arm. "What are you doing here?"

He shrugged. "I'm suspended for the rest of the week and have nothing to do. I thought I could come over like old times."

"Did you bring any?" I questioned.

"Always." He said grabbing the paper bag from outside. He handed it to me then leaned against the window.

"Thanks," I said as I sat next to Luke.

"This is a usual thing for you? Him climbing through your window bringing food?" Luke asked.

"It used to be, when we were in the seventh grade. He usually brings coffee." I chuckled. "It seems like yesterday when I pushed Ash out the window because my dad was coming to check up on me."

"I still have the scar on my bum." Ashton chuckled.

"I don't get why you got suspended." I tore a piece of muffin and shoved it in my mouth. "You didn't do anything wrong," I said with my mouth full.

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