Group Therapy

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Chapter 4: Group Therapy


"Lola, time for breakfast." I heard dad say through the door

"Breakfast?" I muttered as I sat up, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.

My phone was laying right next to me with my earphones still in the jack. I quickly put it in the charger once it beeped 10%. 9:34 a.m. my phone read.

I sighed as I ran my fingers through my hair, realizing that I slept through dinner last night.

"Lola," my sister knocked.

"What Lulu?" I asked as I opened the door.

"You're going somewhere today?"

I shook my head and creased my forehead. "What are you talking about?"

"Mom said to go down for breakfast." She walked into her room after that.

I blinked a couple of times before processing what just happened. I went into the kitchen and mom had waffles and pancakes made.

"Eat up." Mom said pouring orange juice "You have a big day today." she smiled

"I'm just going to Mikey's." I said sitting and filling my plate with waffles and smearing it with nutella "Oh yeah, I need 20 bucks." I said to dad with my mouthful.

He lowered the newspaper and gave me a sorrowful look "Can't today pumpkin."

"Pumpkin, you haven't called me that since..." Realization struck me "No," I dropped my waffle and stood up.

"I know you don't want to but the doctor said that this would be good for you." mom said trying to lighten the mood.

"The doctor doesn't know shit." I yelled.

"Lola, you're mouth." mom scolded me.

"I don't care, you're not taking me to therapy again, the first time was hell."

"How bad is it to sit with kids that are troubled just like you?" She asked putting her hand on her hip.

I scoffed "A lot and they are nothing like me." I crossed my arms.

"Lola, you're going, it's only for an hour."

I shook my head "I'm fine with being the way I am, why can't you just accept me?"

"Lola, just give it one more chance and if you don't like it, we won't take you there anymore." Dad suggested.


"Kenneth." mom yelled.

"Really, Lola." He said with a promising tone.

I nodded "Okay then, I'll go." I finished my waffle and downed my juice "Thanks dad." I went into the bathroom and took a quick shower.

"You have 10 minutes." mom yelled.

"I'll be out soon." I put on my black v-neck fitted shirt saying 'Don't Try To Talk To Me.' Mikey made it for me for my fifteenth birthday. I grabbed my converse and my bag, shoving my laptop and slipping my phone into my pocket. I went out to grab my hoodie.

"You're not wearing that." mom said putting her hand on her hip, again.

"Why not?" I asked, putting it on.

"I like it." dad said sipping his coffee "Keeps away the boys." He pointed out.

"Thanks dad." I smiled "Shall we?"

Once we were in the car, mom started going over the ground rules. "You can't scare them off, you have to participate," I nodded while texting Mikey.

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