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Chapter 15: Thief

I don't exactly know why Mikey's mad and I'm pretty sure I won't find out anytime soon if I'm going to keep hiding. I really want to help Mikey but it looks like he's not going to let me.

I walked back to Calum's and found the door unlocked. I looked at my phone and it was eleven thirty. What the hell is he doing here so early?

I heard laughter as I came closer to the basement door, a girl's laughter that is. Wait, I know that laugh. I walked down to see Calum playing FIFA with my sister.

"What do I do now?" Lulu asked, leaning closer to Calum, showing him the remote.

"Run." Calum chuckled.

"What the fuck?" I whispered.

"Finally." Lulu said setting down controller. "Where the hell have you been?"

"What is she doing here?" I asked Calum.

"She uh... Sort of.... Um... Found out." He scratched the back of his neck. "Sorry."

I rolled my eyes. "How?"

"I asked him." She shrugged.

I glared at him. "Good job, way to hold your ground." I said sarcastically. Calum rolled his eyes and continued his game.

"Where have you been?" Lulu asked again, standing up and putting her hands on her hip like mom does when I stay at the cemetery to long.

"I was out having fun." I answered.

"What kind of fun?" She crossed her arms and looked at me skeptically.

"Ileagal fun." I smiled.

"Lola, you know if you get caught this time, you're going to jail, right?"

I rolled my eyes "Please, it's not like they're going to know it was me. It was behind the abandoned librabry, it's getting demolished soon."

"You're going home."

"No, but you're leaving." I crossed my arms. "I'll go home when I'm ready."

"That will be never?" I shrugged. "Please, just come home or I can come here everyday until you do." She crossed her arms and sat next to Calum again.

"Fine, go ahead."


"I just need time Lu."

"I'm not going to let you hide out here forever. What's going to happen when Calum can't cover for you anymore?"

"I'll do something then."

"Lola," She sighed. "Just come home, it's not the same without. Mom cries, dad hasn't gone to work, I stay up to comfort the two wrecks. We need you home."


"Calum," I heard yelling. My eyes widen when I heard his voice as his footsteps followed. "Calum, I know she's here."

"You told him?" I asked Lulu through my teeth.

She shrugged "I had to, he's the only one you listen to apparently."

"Barely." I muttered.

"Heart." He hugged me from behind then turned me around. "Where have you been?" He groaned. "Stupid question." He muttered to himself. "I've been worried sick about you."

"Okay." I looked at my shoes to avoid eye contact with him. I know if I look into his blue eyes, something will happen that will benefit both him and Lulu.

"Okay? I've spent almost a week looking for you and all you can say is okay?"

"No one asked you to looks for me."

"What are you doing here?"

I scoffed. "Isn't it obvious?"

He lifted my chin making me look into his deep blue eyes. "Why?"

"It's nothing." I moved hand away from my chin.

"Lola, why have you been hiding?"

"I don't need to tell you." I glared at him.

"You need to tell someone. You didn't tell me why or Lulu or Calum or Mikey, not even your parents-"

"I was losing myself, Luke." I snapped. "Now, just leave me alone so I can get back to what I was doing before I met you."

"You can't shut me out, Heart."

I took a step towards him. "I can and I will."

"I won't let you." He fought back.

"Just face it, no matter how hard you try, I'm just going to push you back twice as hard." His eyes turned into this dark blue that made me feel trapped in my place. "I can and I will shut you out." I whispered.

Then it happened. He stole it, he stole what I refused to give. The same thing one boy in my whole entire lifetime tried to take. My first kiss.

My eyes widened then I felt like jello and they fluttered closed. It was an amazing feeling bursting inside of me. I never got why Lulu went crazy over a kiss but now I know why, now I know what it feels like to feel those fireworks. No, not fireworks, something beyond fireworks bursting inside me, Like a shooting star hurdling thousands of miles through the galaxy.

When he pulled away, I felt disappointment. It was blissful, nice and soft despite the lip ring.

"You can't." He whispered while resting his forehead on mine. "I'm not going anywhere."

I opened my eyes and found his still closed. I held his cheeks in my hand and pulled away from him. He opened my eyes and waited for me to say anything.

"Heart..." He breathed out.

"I can." I felt my heart pinch as he words tumbled out of my mouth. "It's for the best."

"No, it's not. I'm going to be there, here for you no matter what."

"I'm not use to this, piercings." I whispered.

"Let me teach you," I shook my head. "I'll help you." He brought my hands down and gripped them. "Please."

"You're a thief," I chuckled.

"I know," he smiled. "Will you let in?"

(A/N): Cliffhanger, I know, I hate them too but how else am I going to keep you on your toes? To be totally honest, I winged the whole kiss thing, I've never had my first real kiss so I don't know what it feels like.

I was hoping to post earlier this week but I ended up getting sick and I could do nothing but sleep, eat, and feel ugly. I was in the emergency room on Tuesday because I had a high fever and had pain in my lower abdomen, I got scared and thought I might've had appendicitis. My dad rushed me to the hospital where I had a needles stuck in my arm for four hours. I'm fine now, just being careful.

If I have any spelling errors, that's because I'm writing/editing on my phone now. My laptop's being an asshole and it's old as f*.

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