Get a Clue

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Chapter 2: Get a Clue

Lulu told mom about Luke and how he's been following me yesterday.

"Maybe you should invite him over." Mom said as I put on my jacket

"Mom, I don't want to invite him over."

"Why not?"

"We're not friends." I tell her

"Well, be friends." Lulu said grabbing a yogurt

"I don't want to be friend with him, I'm fine with being friends with Mikey."

"Why do you hang out with that boy? Have you seen his hair, it's always changing." Mom said.

"We have things in common and I like how he changes his hair."

"Maybe she likes him." Lulu said before devouring her yogurt.

"Lola likes who now?" Dad asked.


"The one that changes his hair?"

"I don't like Mikey like that." I tell them. "Can we go now? The sooner I leave, the sooner I come home."

"You can't leave school today, only when I come and pick you up." Mom said pointing her finger are me.

"Fine." I get up and hug dad before going outside and honking for the two to get out of the house.

I go to my locker as usual, the only difference was Mikey leaning against it with his arms crossed.

"You said you couldn't ditch." He scolds me.

"I did anyway." I pushed him over a little then opened my locker, grabbing my history book.

"You could've told me or at least text me."

"I could've," I closed my locker "But I went to see Diana."

"I would've went. How long did you stay this time?"

"When it stopped raining yesterday."

"That was seven."

I shrugged "I just wanted to stay there." I leaned against my locker.

"Lola." His accent came back "Can we talk?"

"This is the new guy?" Mikey asked.

I ignored Mikey's question "I told you Luke, it's none of your business." I tell him.

"I heard there was a new guy in school." I heard Mr. Popular chuckle "Maybe a guitar player?"

I rolled my eyes and attempted to walk away but my wrist was caught with Luke's hand.

"Could you just give us a minute?" He said to Ashton before taking me to the other side of the hallway "What's going on?"

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"You could just tell me why you act like this, why you only hang out with one person, why you eat alone at lunch and why you leave history class early?"

"My dad is a college professor, he teaches History. I'm not answering any of your other questions."

"Why not?"

"It's the way it is, Luke. You're new and probably confused with it but that's how it's always been here." I walked away taking Mikey with me.

"What was that about?" He asks looking back.

"He wants to know why I'm the way I am."


"I don't know, you could go ask him if you want."

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